Imprisoned Mother

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This is a character for The_RazzleJazzle 's book, Prisoners
Feel free to check it out if you want to interact with Artemis, there are a few spots left. 

Single Mother

Artemis Nyela Morrigan




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Biggest Fear:Her daughter getting hurt again, Never being able to see her daughter

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Biggest Fear:
Her daughter getting hurt again, 
Never being able to see her daughter

Artemis is a strong-willed woman who will do everything to keep her daughter safe and happy. Despite her anxiety, she pushes through for her daughter and her clients. Though, she does have some nervous ticks such as playing with her necklace (a cute pendant her daughter bought for her) or, more subtly, playing with a coin in her pocket. She is sometimes quiet and reserved but often it is her observing her surroundings. She is easy to strike up a conversation with and is warm and kind to all people she meets unless they give her reason to not be. 

With people younger than her, she finds herself taking on a maternal role, caring and guiding them and taking their side. Due to her history, she finds herself a little more defensive with men and more trusting of women, though she trusts her gut above almost anything. 

She tries to keep an optimistic personality and is constantly trying to make people smile or laugh. When she is comfortable and cares for them, that is. 

Artemis married her high school sweetheart after joining the military. He wasn't fond of her serving while they dated, but she didn't let it change her mind. She came back after her deployment and married him. He was sweet as he had always been, caring for her deeply. She doesn't know what went wrong. It was a few years into their marriage that he began to hit her and abuse her, both verbally and physically. Though, she stayed, isolated from friends and family and reliant on him. 

She didn't know that he was hurting their daughter, though she realizes she should have. He never lifted a hand to the little girl, so Artemis didn't think much of it when the little girl had bruises from bumping into things. It wasn't until she came home to see a black eye on her daughter that things changed. 

Her husband fell down the stairs after getting drunk that night. There is  911 call of Artemis crying, saying her husband fell down the stairs, that she was checking for a pulse but there was nothing. He had broken his neck and died on impact. 

Her daughter would be safe, and that's what matters. 

Are you guilty?
"I'll give you an old military answer: I can neither confirm nor deny anything." 

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