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Yuxin always revelled whenever someone hosted a fancy gathering, not because of the forced politeness of everyone in the room nor the expensive (and free!) beverage.

It was the fulfillment of her six-year-old self's fantasies of twirling around in a beautiful dress and a pretty pair of heels under the twinkle of chandeliers. Her younger, fickle self would no doubt be delighted to know that her parents would make it big and she'd be able to dress up quite often.

Jing looked like a dream in midnight blue, intentionally opposite to the light-colored fabrics Yuxin had helped her choose to decorate the venue for her birthday celebration.

Said birthday girl was seated on an ornate chair upholstered in black velvet, eyes closed shut as Yuxin applied the finishing touches to her makeup. Jing had decided against hiring stylists, wanting to have more bonding time with her best friend. They had fun paralleling their younger selves' playdates; zipping up each other's dresses, fixing each other's hair and doing each other's makeup.

Yuxin checked for any imperfections. Seeing none, she smiled, "You look even prettier than usual. Lei might just freeze when he sees you."

"Are you complimenting me or your skills?"

She smirked. "Both."

Jing didn't respond, face growing serious as she spun her chair around to face the mirror. Taking a deep breath, she said, "Xinxin... I've decided to go through with it."

Yuxin smiled sadly into the mirror at her stubborn best friend. "I figured you would," she admitted, placing her hands on Jing's shoulders. Sighing overdramatically, she continued, "I guess I'll support you, or whatever..."

Jing rolled her eyes as if she was already expecting it, but the relieved smile on her face gave her away.


The first half of the night went without a hitch.

Jing's parents had certainly spared no expense. The live band was nothing short of spectacular, including both classical pieces and acoustic renditions of Jing's favorite songs. Guests mingled under enchanting purple lighting as waiters expertly made their way through the crowd with flutes of sparkling champagne and trays of hors d'oeuvres.

Lei led Jing around in the first waltz of the night, the dark, glittering tulle of her dress swishing around Lei's all-white ensemble in a beautiful display of contrast. It really was a bewitching sight, like watching the night sky envelop the moon in a blanket of stars, and everyone present could hardly tear their eyes away.

(Well, except for Daoming Si, who was busy staring at a certain somebody.)

It really was too bad that the whole night could not be as perfect as that moment.

Yuxin was the only one at the party unsurprised when Jing announced her indefinite return to France, giving up her position as heiress to offer her services to those in need. Even the F4 boys broke their composed countenances and joined the chorus of gasps that filled the room.

Yuxin smiled for the entirety of Jing's speech, ignoring the incredulous looks Meizuo kept sending her. Jing had glanced over to her best friend whenever the ocean of disbelieving eyes and scandalized expressions made her feel like faltering. Yuxin made sure that she knew there was at least one person who would support her no matter what.

What Yuxin was not prepared for was Jing chopping her hair with a pair of scissors. Jing's father was turning a concerning shade of scarlet, and her mother just barely managed to restrain him. When Jing finished, she immediately made her way to Yuxin. 

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