All the important persons, elements, supernaturals and plants that are mention in my book Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry will be defined and explain here.
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Boggarts (dark and hairy, Or as squat short stocky dwarf-like beings, they, at times, appear as an omen of death; they are house faeries turned "evil" or "Bad") once turned they become a nuisance, surly, unpredictable, mean and are very difficult to placate. In some cases, a simple apology is all that is needed to return a Boggart to the friendly house Goblin he was before the offense, other times simple understanding and acts of kindness will bring them back to their original state. In other cases, it may take MUCH more to bring them around. And in still other cases, nothing can be done to pacify them. In this instace, they will become a full-time Boggart. The only thing one can do is move from their old home to a new one. But even then the Boggart may follow the family to their new residence.