Chapter 8

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I placed my hand slightly on The Door knob And turned the handle . It does not open at First but i give it a Little push and then it opens. I don't know when was the last time someone stepped foot in here it seemed like ages.. I take my first step in and glance around. I notice that a light is on inside what seems like a small crawl space which is weird because the tiny door is covered in spider webs and Old mouse Traps. I walk around for a little bit. Theres the window that Harry always Starred at which has a huge bash in it almost like someone smashed a chair outside of it. Theres a Old Grand Piano covered in dust and it had to be worth thousands, and Some other junk.

Every step i took The Old wooden floor would creak louder and louder and i was scared because i thought i would fall right through the floor board.. I decided that i shouldn' keep my mum waiting any longer so i head out the door. Before i get a chance to Close it, Theres a Faint Yell. I wasn't exactly sure who or what it was or saying, but i was curious. It keeps repeating itself And Then i notice its Harry. Its coming from that Small Room. I quickly run over to it thinking that maybe he had gotten stuck. But then i see Theres this creepy looking Doll that im positive it wasn't there before.. I Kick it out of my way not putting any thought into it and I Kick the door. Nobody is inside..

I take a moment to observe whats inside. Its pitch black so i can hardly see a thing. Theres cobwebs everywhere, Dust flying around, a Huge chandelier that hangs from the ceiling is swaying back and forth with One light remaining lit that flickers. It all must be part of my imagination because this room is totally empty and seems like nobody has been in here or touched anything for years and years..

Once again i hear my mum calling out my name for me to come downstairs, but i really need to find out where Harry is. Maybe he's out looking for a job, or Just exploring town i really don't know and i was starting to get worried. I make my way once again out of this creepy room and head downstairs. As i walk past Harry's room, the door is still wide open but empty. I make a mental note to ask my mum where he's at, and to also help me find a part time job to keep me busy.

"Mum, do you know where Harry is?" I ask her.

"No, i thought he was in his room. I haven't seen him since Last night."

This is getting really odd. Maybe he just went out to get fresh air or something. Thats what i keep telling myself so my nerves calm down a bit.

"You Ready Love?" My mum asks me.


We both start to make our way to the car. I glance Around at my surroundings and try And see if i spot Harry anywhere. Nowhere.

"Do you know when was the last time someone was in the attic?" I ask her with a worried look on my face. She seems to notice it.

"Unfortunately i don't Gem, Your Dad is paranoid to go up there because Of what Legends were told. He thinks they are all true."

"What Legends?"

"Gemma can we talk about this later?" She asks seeming to afraid to talk about that subject.

My mind keeps wondering about what she was talking about. What Legends? This house is so old i honestly don't know what secrets are behind these walls. People could of gotten killed who knows. I force myself to try and forget everything momentarily And focus.

But i cant.


Sorry this sucks, but i had Writers block bad but i think im good now. Everything will fall in place soon❤️ Dont forget to Comment, vote & share! ❤️.

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