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The burdens of fame weigh heavily, especially when fortune's carriage was nowhere in sight. And without rank or office to speak of, to be called a hero seems an empty thing. Only I know the meat of me, what was in my head and heart during the action. I had no hand in most of the workings. Others gained confidence and control by having prior knowledge.
You know me as a song sung over kids skipping games. This is how most know me as a hero, because it rhymes with my name.
Growing up I had the most fun. City wars were over and all seemed good. But I hated the fact I had missed it all. Another carriage missed.
The new 'National Leadership' have asked me to tell my story, under their 'National Matters' program. One representative said 'I would write history', another said 'I would take my rightful place and probably have a statue made'. Joking, I asked if I would be made of bronze, depicted seated and have a walking cane. The fellow didn't know enough about me to know it was a joke, instantly he tried to deflect the cost of such a thing.
I know they only want my account for their political ends. I just want things to be remembered as I remember them and not have my life story lazily titled 'Cheero the Hero'!
The characters I knew, the important ones, the ones I played my part along side, are mostly gone now. And I am near my end. This is the reason I'm telling this to you, giving you my story. Not for any leadership's sake. I'll tell it as I remember, you decide if you want to who was 'good' or 'bad'.
The leadership fellow whispered to me that I'd done amazing things for my City State, but now it was time to lay things to rest. I thought at the time it was too big a talk to be whispered and whispering made it sound like a threat. But if he should have known one thing about me it is that I know my end, so threats don't work on me. I am Cheero Kivik, immortal till my end. Saviour of City States and a legend before my sixteenth birthday.

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