Going Round and Round ~A Niall Horan Fanfic~

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'WINNER!' the announcer screamed in his annoyingly high voice. My eyes widened in shock, I thought this game was rigged so no one could win. I guess I just had bad aim.

I had been having the worst time at this stupid carnival, since my boyfriend Andrew had left, I had no one to win for me. My friends were no help.

'What would you like?' the irritating voice had returned. I rolled my eyes and began to walk away, just as another call beckoned me back.

'Wait!' I heard a familiar accented voice yell. I suddenly turned, seeing the call was from my winner.

'You can choose one,' he told me. I smiled sweetly, trying to contain myself from totally fangirling, and looked at the selection of toys. I took the stuffed panda bear. 'Thanks,' I told the boy, 'I'm Ally, by the way.'

'Nice to meet you Ally, I'm Niall.'

Part 1

'Cmon Ally, it's a new day. Enjoy it!' my friend Laura told me. I had been in a slight depression since I had to break up with my boyfriend Andrew since he was moving to Michigan. We both knew a long-distance relationship wasn't going to work out.

Laura was trying, and probably failing, to try to cheer me up again by taking me to a local carnival.

I was sure it was going to keep being pestered until I agreed to do something, so I finally caved. But only to get her off my back.

We arrived there after the short five minute walk from my house, where I found all my friends. 'Great,' I thought, 'more people to 'cheer me up'.'

They all pretended to act happy and like nothing had even gone wrong. But I could see through the lies. I thought, 'In the words of Zayn; real eyes realize real lies,' and smirked.

We bought tickets at a booth and walked in. I had to admit, they did an incredible job with the fair. It looked beautiful and not like everything else in my tiny, run-down town.

'Cmon Ally, let's go on the roller coasters!' my friend Carly yelled. I rolled my eyes and trudged along, I had no other choice. Literally, she was pulling me by the wrist.

We went on all the usual rides at the carnival, and the classic rides from our town, like one called 'The Zipper.' I loved roller coasters so my friends knew I would have a good time on them. And they were right, for a while I totally forgot about Andrew. Until we moved on from the roller-coasters.

Of course they brought me to the boardwalk area, with the prizes. Rigged prizes. No one ever one these things. Except Andrew once won for me...

'No, I'm here to get him OUT of my head,' I thought. And with that simple sentence I got the song 'One Thing' stuck in my head.

Carly and Laura took my hands and ran me over to the first suckers' trap. Of course, we all failed. I bit my lip, trying hard to ignore the "Loser" sound ringing behind me when I lost.

'Listen, I'm gonna run to the snacks,' I lied. Lucky I was a good actress. They bought it and released me.

I scurried over to the bleachers where they would be performing some sort of act later tonight. Me and my friends used to always hide under these at school, I didnt see why I shouldn't do it in public.

I sucked under the metal and sat on the cool grass. Then I started banging my head against the metal bench and slowly felt tears forming. I tried to blink them away. I didn't want to look as big as a wreck as I did at home, not in public.

I heard footsteps and I creeped back into the shadows of the bleachers, I didn't want anyone to see me. Although, I didn't expect anyone to be coming in through the back.

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