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Serena walked into the gymnasium, as she saw the graduates in the way front, and the rows behind them were the family's seating.

She quickly found her Father and sisters," Hey Sue, I'm going to my Dad and sisters." Serena whispered, to Sue as she nodded separating from her.

She slowly walked to her Dad, and gently tapped his shoulder," Excuse me, sir, is it okay if I take the seat next to you?"

Billy spoke up before turning," Oh, I'm sorry, it's currently occupied, I apologiz- He cut off as he gaped at his oldest daughter standing there smiling at him

"So, I take it, that the seat is meant for Serena Black?" As she said her name, her sisters turned and she quickly raised her hand to make them not scream.

"Serena!" They both whispered yelled, and she chuckled, as they both ran over hugging her, and as soon as they let go, her Dad pulled her wrist quickly hugging her

"I missed you so much, Serena."

"Sorry I'm late" She responded and he chuckled

"What are you doing here?" He asked as he motioned for her to sit down, as her sisters followed in tow.

"Don't tell me you escaped" Rebecca joked and Rachel snorted," Well, she's not wearing the hospital gown, so I highly doubt that Bex"

"Dr Cullen allowed me a free pass and he called his wife to bring me some clothes," Serena told the twins and then turned to her Dad as he held her hand smiling at her. The principal had walked in the stage, cueing that it was about to start.

"Paul is going to freak! Let's hope he doesn't run off the stage, in the middle of receiving his diploma" Rachel teased making Serena smack her arm. They sat through, as they called the graduates names, and Serena wanted to stand for each of the boys, but she wanted to wait until after to congratulate them.

After a few hours, the ceremony came to an end, and Serena told her family she'll be back, telling them not to tell anyone she was there. So, she left the gymnasium, going to the front of the school, as she watched families exit with there graduates.

Then came her family, coming out of the doors, with all the boys who had graduated in tow.

They were all hugging each other and smiling, including Paul, and she smiled at it but noticed he wasn't as energized as the rest.

"Boys! Let's take a group photo! All of you huddle up!" Emily shouted as they all held each other and Serena took that moment, as she ran over jumping on Paul's back, as Emily took the picture.


Paul and the boys almost fell since they were holding each other," Congrats Boys!!" Serena cheered as they all saw her.

"Serena!!!" They all shouted except Paul since he couldn't see her face, so she jumped off his back, as she quickly turned looking to see if she was really there, all the boys tackled her in a hug.

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