The Blizzard Competition
"I'm so glad that you're alright." I told my Uncle.
"I'm a tough one, Ally-gator."
I woke up early this morning so I could visit my Uncle in the hospital. Rydel was nice enough to take me so that's where I've been the past couple of hours. Jake came by before but had to leave shortly after so he could watch the store.
"So how's the school trip so far?" He asked.
"It's good so far. Did I mention that Eric goes to my school now so he's here too?" He shook his head no. "Well he is, but I'm not gonna let him ruin this trip for me."
"Good for you, Ally-gator." I smiled when he used that nickname. He used to call me that all the time when I was little. "So it's your mother's birthday tomorrow," He reminded me. I nodded. "Are you going to visit her?"
"Yeah, I am." I brought my water bottle up to my lips and took a sip. My phone vibrated and I noticed I got a text from Rydel.
I'm outside, Als :) ~Delly
"Uncle Danny, I gotta go."
"Alright, but I'll see you later." I stood up and kissed his cheek before stepping out of his room.
"Am I taking you back to the hotel?" Rydel asked, pulling out of the parking lot.
"Uh, yeah. Our teachers want everyone back at the hotel so we can all go to Storm Valley together." I told her. "And since we're going, that means you're going."
She laughed. "I'll let the guys know and then we'll meet you there."
When she pulled up to the hotel, I got out of the car, said a quick goodbye, and hurried up to my room to get ready.
"It's about time you got here." Trish said as soon as I walked through the door and entered our room. She was on her bed reading a magazine and she didn't even look up to know it was me who walked into the room.
"Well good morning to you, too." I said, sarcasm dripping from my voice. "Is Austin in the bathroom?"
"Yeah, and Dez in the closet getting ready. Don't ask." She finished before I even had the chance to question why Dez was in the closet getting ready. But I should know that whatever Dez does is normal for him.
Since Austin was in the bathroom and Dez was in the closet, I decided to get ready in the room and pray that none of them would come out before I finished.
It took me three minutes to get ready since I was in a rush and let's just say that I have a new record for changing.
"Ally, your boyfriend stays in the bathroom longer than we do." Trish commented, setting her magazine down and swinging her legs over the bed. I nodded in agreement.