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Muse A and Muse B go to different schools but have been good friends since they were teens through Instagram. Their friendship all started because if what Muse A was posting. Once, sometimes though very rarely, twice a week, Muse A would post a picture of them self wearing something new that they bought or with a new hair color. And every time that Muse A would post something, Muse B would like the post and give some positive feedback as well as complement on the look. After about a month of this, Muse A decided to send a private message to Muse B to thank them for all of the support and the two eve actually became friends. All of this had continued for the longest time. Well, not the longest. Only up until Muse A and Muse B started college. (Obviously the times the two start college can be different depending on the ship)

When the two started college, they didn't realize they went to the same college until after a week or so when Muse B had spotted Muse A in the halls. From there, they hang out almost everyday. And from that day on, Muse A and Muse B eventually grow feelings for each other. When this happens, Muse A asks Muse B if they'd like to go somewhere with them. That just so happens to be Muse B's favorite place to visit, but Muse A doesn't know that. Throughout the day there, the two have lots of fun doing a bunch of random stuff. And at the end of the day, Muse A confesses to Muse B as the sun sets.

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