2. I hope so

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A/N: Okay hi to myself. Seeing nobody is reading my story that's what i should do, right? Greet myself. Any who, I ain't gonna stop writing this story though. I won't give up. :) with a full hope that somebody's gonna read my story, here's my second chapter. :)

Today's song: I won't give up by Jason Mraz.


Chapter 2

After my little tête-a-tête with Mrs Hammers, my day passed with the blink of an eye. Soon, I was home eating hot chocolate and watching Pretty Little Liars. I had the home for myself seeing my Ma and Pa are doctors in the same hospital. My Ma is a neurologist and my Pa is a Cardiologist. They fell in love when they were interns. I have a big brother, Phoenix Grayson Rachael. He lives on the other side of the country as he got into Yale. He's pretty bad and bright student. Not a good combination let me tell you.

After watching TV for some more time, I prepared some soup and drifted off to sleep.

Next morning, I woke up when my alarm went off. I went for a quick shower and changed into comfy shirt and jeans for the school. I quickly dried my long brown hair and tied it into a French braid. After applying a coat of mascara and eyebrows, I checked myself once more and raced down to the kitchen only to be welcomed by a rare sight. Guess who decided to show up for break fast? You're right, my Ma and Pa.

Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to Mr and Mrs.....

My mental blabbing was cut short when they noticed me and came jolting towards me to give me a bear hug.

Guys, if I die, please take care of my Brooky.

Oh yeah, Brooky's my giant teddy bear.

I could not breath but my Ma and Pa didn't loosen their grip on me.

And that's when my friends, I died.

Just kidding.

They loosened their grip then. I was literally surprised seeing myself alive. If I was crushed into that hug for even a second longer, I would be long gone. And tomorrow I would make the headline of the newspaper my Pa's currently holding.

Two people who are supposed to save other's lives killed their own daughter.

Ha, what a headline.

"How is my sweet Fee-Fee?"

My Ma and Pa asked in unison.

I smiled at them. "Never been better. How are you guys? How's work?"

"Work's tiresome honey. Apart from that we are pretty fine."

My Pa chuckled.

I nodded my head and went to help Ma to prepare breakfast. We talked about everything and anything. I told her about the recent hot news of my life and she wiggled her eyebrows.


"I'm sure your gonna get some hot young man as your teacher. And you're a sexy young lady. And when they study together, sexual tension surrounds them. But I don't wanna be granny soon."

I just chocked on my own saliva.

"Your disgusting Ma. You jump into conclusions pretty faster. I don't even know who's my tutor for God's sake. And here you are talking about grandchildren."

"I have this gut feeling that its exactly what's going to happen. Believe me or not."

My Ma and her gut feelings. She has these gut feelings all the time. Nothing to worry about. I assured myself.

After uttering a quick goodbye to my parents, I headed towards my school. And yep, I don't own a car. Its really depressing. When I reached the school, I noticed I was just in time. I quickly jogged to my locker and started to take out my English book just then I felt a presence behind me. It took me exactly three seconds to identify the person without looking at them.

"Seriously Amiee, are you going to stand there all day?" I asked without looking even glancing at her.

"How'd you know it was me?"
She asked.

"Your perfume." I answered for her.

Just then the bell rang and we headed towards our homeroom.

The day passed surprisingly well and soon it was time for lunch. I sat beside Amiee after getting a cheese burger for myself. There were five people in our table excluding me. Aside from Amiee, there were my other four best friends ; Charlie, Samuel, Colton and Sophie.

"Sooo, they say that you're getting a tutor for chemistry," said Charlie.

"I don't wanna talk about it." I muttered moodily.

"Don't worry Fee, it'll be fine." said Sophie with a reassuring smile.

"I hope so." I replied.

And I really hope that it'll be fine.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2015 ⏰

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