004 | Heart-to-Heart

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Hallie-Mae's POV

After school Sarah and I made our way to the bus stop laughing about something what happened in class, a boy fell off his chair but he deserved it for just swinging on his chair.

"I would really like to know how many times I've actually heard the story of a boy swinging on his chair and smacking his head and dying, it's every single day" Sarah laughed rolling her eyes as she did so, I chuckled too. We walked down the road talking between ourselves about our plan when dad came up to me.

"Hal' I know you've just got back from school but could you possibly help me at the garage, I need an extra pair of hands" dad asked stopping Sarah and mine conversation. I looked to Sarah and back to dad.

"Sure, I'll message you later Sarah, we can sort something out for homework and sleepover later" I nodded to my niece who nodded, we gave one another a hug before o joined dad making my way to the garage. I grabbed my overalls which I tie-dyed myself because I wanted to be different, it was dark blue, yellow, pink and purple since I thought it would be a nice mixture of colours, people thought it was pointless however I don't get that dirty but they are just my helping clothes not my going out clothes.

"You go throw your overalls on and some clothes and then I'll explain to you what needs doing" dad smiled, I nodded heading into the office and removing my school skirt and blouse leaving me in my leggings and vest top before I slipped into my overalls and zipped them up. I made my way out of the office after folding my skirt and blouse up placing them in a one pile.

"What needs doing Dad? I asked toeing my hair into a messy bun while I waited for orders about what needs doing. Dad explains to me what needs doing on the car, it was complicated but I've watched dad do it on quiet a few occasions. I sat down on the sliding board and laid down on my back pushing myself under the car to begin working on it; I soon slide out from underneath the car I was helping dad with and sat up on the sliding board

"Dad you love me don't you?" I asked biting my lip, I knew this was risky and a ridiculous question but I had to do something to start digging.

"Of corse I do Hal' where has all this came from?" Dad asked me pulling up a step and sat down on it as he looked at me curiously

"You would tell me anything right" i asked while i looked into dads eyes, I was trying to be subtle but also I was trying to get answers I watched as dad averted eye contact, he surely knew I was hinting at something.

"Hallie-Mae of course I would tell you anything, where is all this coming from. Your my daughter, my baby girl, my main priority." Dad responds talking my hands in his, I guess I wasn't going to find out anything now, I could try again but I just have to take it slow and try again.

"I was just asking; that's all Dad" I quickly lied so I didn't have to explain myself or my reasons behind asking these questions however I knew he was most likely going to ask me again when were in the cafe or when we get home so I have to think of a excuse, maybe I could use the bully in mine and Sarah's class as the excuse, but then dad would most likely go to the school and try and get it sorted.

"Come on Hallie think think!" I mentally shouted at myself.

"Are you sure that's all Hal' is their something your not telling me?" Dad asked me with a suspicious look on his face like he could tell I was hiding something.

"How about I get Aaron over to finish the car and we go to have a chat and drink in the cafe, I might even get you a chocolate cake" dad smiled happily. I nodded

"You go put your overalls away while I give Aaron a call then we will head over to the cafe together" dad smiled kissing my forehead before he stands up and heads to his phone I stood up and slipped my overalls off folding them and placing them in the draw since I don't help out all the time. I went into the office and slipped my school cardigan on over my vest and shoved my skirt and blouse in my bag, I left the office and stood outside enjoying the sunshine waiting for Aaron come to the garage to finish the car.

"Sorry it took so long, Liv needed help with her homework" Aaron exclaimed fifteen minutes later, dad thanked him before we made our way to the cafe for cake and a drink.

"What can I get you both?" We we're asked and dad began to order.

"Coffee, a chocolate milkshake and what cake you do you want Hallie-Mae?" Dad asked me with his arms around my shoulder.

"Your sweetest chocolate cake you have please" I grinned enthusiastically and Brenda nodded, dad told me to go and sit down so I did. I sit down on a chair and crossed my legs waiting for dad, dad brought our drinks over and went back for our cake.

"So are you going to tell me why you asked those questions?" Dad asked me while I started to think of a excuse again.

"I was just asking dad, theirs no reason why" I lied not wanting dad to think I was snooping, I was but I couldn't let him know that.

"I love you kiddo you know that" dad reminds me.

"I know dad and I love you too" I nodded

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