Surviving Teenhood

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Whoever thought entering 'teenhood' would be a walk in the park, a complete comedy fest, needs a massive reality check. Where's that 'guide book' all parents say they got given when they had us. Doesn't that explain things for them? We need one of those to help us teens survive TennHood. 
Who knew that being a teennager would be so hetic and crazy, and that uploading a facebook status would cause so much drama. Not me and im sure thats the case with a few of you, so that's why ive taken the liberty of writing this book- it'll be my take on what OUR 'guide book' should be about and ways we can get through the drama together. 

So sit yourself down with a cup of milo or in your favourite pyjamas in bed because things are about to get really interesting in TeenHood.

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