Chapter 1- Friendship

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Meaning(s) of friendship: 1.The emotions or conduct of friends; the state of being friends.

2.A relationship between friends.

Friendship its a funny word isnt it? Who knew that one word would have so many meanings to one person. To me it means the love and support two or more people give to eachother. It means laughing with eachother until your stomach hurts, dancing till your feet ache, and leading a shoulder to one another when they need it. Ive had so many diifferent and crazy friendship's over the years and im only sixteen I cant imagine how many more people ill meet and become friends with, it's just crazy!

Although Im only sixteen ive had my fair share of rough friendships and infact ive just ended a very good friendship with someone i looked at as my sister. Although me being older then her we were so close we could finish eachother's sentences off and laugh and talk about nothing as all. She was someone who at the time I thought i was proud to call my friend, that was until I began to clearly see who that real friend was.

She'd changed so much over just a couple of months, hurting me, calling me names, making me cry when i got home each day. I'd been told my my family and friends I had to end that frienship because they could see I wasnt happy. You've all been in friendships where you want out but you think ' no way can I just end it, we are bestfriends, what will I do at school tomorrow? Who will I sit with?' Those thoughts were always ticking over and over in my head day after day, night after night and it got to the point where enough was enough. 

I dont think people realise just how much will power you have as a person until thats the only thing keeping you going. You do have that will power to end something if your not happy, and at times you dont necessarily need a reason. If your not happy in something whether it be a new job or like me a friendship you have to do what you feel is right and do it for you not your family or friends- just you.

There are so many people who love you and want to be there for you, I mean even ill be there for you no matter what. Message me if you want some advice, I might not reply straight away but I will and hopefully we can overcome what your going through together.

Message me:

I generally believe although things do seem so terribly bad at the moment, things do get better and you'll look back on that friendship one day and be so proud of yourself like I am of myself. Like my mum says to be "If I can do it, you can do it' so Im saying this to you to "If I can do it, you can do it". 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2012 ⏰

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