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     I was sitting at my post in Snowden, watching for anything to eat (like other monsters or maybe a human).

     I looked at the giant door that seperates the ruins and Tori from the rest of the underground.
     I wish a human would come through there. A few minutes later, I saw her, a skinny, sad, and scared girl. Cute. HORROR, YOU IDIOT, DON'T FUCKING FALL IN LOVE AGAIN. Remember last time... I know, I know. The girl turned to me and I smiled.

"H-hello?" she asked. "heya" I replied

"the name's sans, sans the skeleton"

"N-nice to meet you'' she said.

"same, want a hotdog?"

"H-huh? Ok s-sure."

     I grabbed her arm and pinned it to the hotdog stand and took out my axe

"ONE HEADDOG COMING UP!!" I yelled and brought the axe over her head.

"W-WHAT!? LET ME GO!!" she yelled, crying. I started to bring the axe down on her, but stopped. I found out I couldn't find it in myself to hurt her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2019 ⏰

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