pt 2

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(Third person POV)
Most of the practice fights were finally over and it was now time for (Y/N) match who was he going up against you ask well it's Bakugo. "Good luck (Y/N) you're going to need it Bakugo is the strongest one here but I believe in you!!" Kirishima yelled which just caused (Y/N) to giggle. "Don't under estimate me I'm a lot stronger than I look" He said confidently. "DON'T GET COCKY YOU SHITY CRYSTAL!!" Bakugo yelled angrily.
—time skip—
Bakugo and (Y/N) were circling each other waiting for the other to make the first move. This fucker better not be underestimating me because there is no way in hell that he's stronger than me. Bakugo thought bitterly. He then proceeds to run and use his explosions on (Y/N) who successfully dodges all of them.
(Y/N) then retaliates with a punch to the gut sending Bakugo flying across the room in which he hit hard and falls to the ground with a thud. Damn just a punch sent him across the room. The class thought as they see Bakugo getting up looking even more pissed than he already was.
Just to makes this more fun for me I'm going to let him hit me and not hit back until the time is right. (Y/N) thought to him self. He is then bombarded with punches to the face and stomach. After a while of not getting attacked back Bakugo kept getting angrier and angrier to the point he started using explosions left and right.
"SOMEONE NEEDS TO STOP THIS BEFORE BAKUGO REALLY HURTS (Y/N)!!!" Mina shouted scared for the new student. Everyone was watching in fear as they watched the new student getting his ass beat horribly. But what they didn't see was the smirk on (Y/N)s face.
((Y/N) POV) 
Aww they care about me hehe they don't even know this is just part of my plan. I thought to myself. Bakugo had finally stopped his onslaught of attacks and was breathing heavily. "Why aren't you fighting back? ARE YOU UNDERESTIMATING ME?!??" He yelled furiously. All throughout the room all that can be heard is my giggling. "What's so funny dip shit?" Bakugo asked. I had calmed down and stood up with a smirk on my face.
"You fell into my trap" is all I saw before raising my hand in the air and with the flick of my wrist he was on the ground withering in pain.
(Third person POV)
"WHAT'S GOING ON?!?!" Mineta asked in confusion and fear. "Interesting young (Y/N) has seemed to have turned the tables on young Bakugo" All Might says in fascination watching the match closely.
"LET'S FINISH THIS!" (Y/N) yelled before jumping into the air and punching the ground. Once he lands pillars of rock start to shoot out of the ground heading towards Bakugo who tries to get up and doge but before he can one comes out from under him exploding once it made contact with him.

(Go to 1:39)
The pillars then go back into the ground and Bakugo falls down unconscious, leaving the class shocked at how the new student defeated one of the strongest students without really trying.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2019 ⏰

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