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I was only three months old. My Mother took me to a Vodouisant to try and get a  spell cast on me that would give me personality traits that would grant me good luck throughout my life. But this Vodouisant was novice. He would attempt to grant his customers wish but would always find a way to skew the spell casting process. The spell he was about to cast would give me 4 bad personalities and 1 good personality that would counter the bad. But all of the personalities would be proven quite hard to control. The Vodouisant proceeded with the incorrect spell casting while my parent anxiously waited. "ee a lakeere aroo lashanee ooku bene ooku san." The Vodouisant chanted. Suddenly I started to rise out of my mother's arms. Realizing what he had done the Vodouisant made a hasty retreat.

A hue of black light cascaded over my body. I cooed curiously. I heard my Mother scream with terror as she saw a instantly familiar apparition of Uncle Darren, (my  father's brother.) who had died of a heart attack 6 years ago. He had a brown matted haircut, a ripped, sleeveless, plaid shirt, tattered jeans, and sandals. He was also holding a bottle of Corona in his hand. He was a heartless brute who would, after a long night at the pub, go to my Mother's house and commit unbearable things to my Mother which killed her as all the memories flooded back like a blinding fog. His spirit cast a glaring look at my mother as his soul spilled into my body. Giving me the curse of wickedness.

As the Ghost faded my Mother turned a pale white whilst I was still in midair, the black hue turning into a warm pink color as the soul of my Aunt Annette, a blond haired, blue eyed, beautiful young lady and my Mother's eldest sister appeared. She was dressed in a petite yellow sundress with white lace and a white headband. She also had yellow bandanna heels. Annette was very self-centered and only cared about herself. She was hated by pretty much everybody. She was killed on impact in a car accident 4 years back. (She was admiring herself in the mirror.) She stood in front of me with white eyes and a shocked look on her face. I shrieked  There was a shattered hand mirror in her hand. She was looking into the mirror fixing her hair which to no avail stayed quite content remaining in it's recent orientation. She attempted to fix her make-up as well which didn't work out very well either. I heard her say something about how gorgeous she was compared to everyone else. Her soul as well was transferred in to my body. Giving me the curse of vainness.

I settled into my Mother's arms. I could tell she was trying to wrap her head around what just happened. That's when I started to rise again, this time higher with a  glow and lighting bolts in the cloud of green that surrounded me. My 1st cousin Christopher Hayden, A tall, slim, man with jet black hair and a mischievous grin. He sported a navy blue tuxedo with black dress shoes. Christopher had died a few years ago due to a mysterious lightning strike which occurred on a sunny cloudless day. Christopher was a tycoon. He always went around town hustling people for money. He reeked with cigar smoke as he smiled wider and  unleashed a sinister chuckle. His other hand revealed a wad of cash that he threw at my Mother and I. The cash instantly melted away as it was just an apparition. His soul burrowed into me with an intence pain that caused me to squeal. I was forced to withstand the burden of greed.

 A red glow appeared next. I was spinning out of control and screaming. The ghost of my late brother Mitchell, stood in front of us with blood shot eyes and a forlorn look on his face. He was attired in an orange and white jumpsuit and black shoes that were worn out and extremely small. He had a poorly cut hair do and shackles at his feet. You see, Mitchell was a good kid. He had all A's in all of is grade school career. But Mitchell got caught up in the wrong crowd. Mom caught him smoking, drinking, and doing unimaginable things because he claimed that he "accidentally" found it in his room. Mom and Dad soon found out that he was "accidentally" finding stuff for over 2 years now. Without any hesitation they sent him to a juvenile detention center in hopes that young Mitchell would get help and cease his drug abusing. But it pains me to say that Mitchell eventually broke out of the center and went on a rampage around town, robbing banks, drug stores.... After days into weeks and weeks into months of endless searching, the police caught Mitchell and took him to jail, where he was sentenced for life due to substance abuse and robbery. My brother wouldn't let my parents visit him. He couldn't stand to see the hurt and disappointment in their eyes. Being in the condition he was, Mitchell didn't last very long in jail. 3 years later only a few weeks after I was born, we received a call that Mitchell had died of unknown causes. They believe the depression finally got to him and he snuck pills and had an over dose.. Seeing the reflection of Mitchell made my Mother cry an endless river of tears. Mitchell took her hands and said, "I'm sorry for all the pain I have caused you, and I'm sorry I had to go, but always know that I love y-" That was all he had time to say, as his spirit too, was engulfed in my soul. My Mother was sprawled on the floor sobbing, as I was given regret.

The fifth and last ghost that appeared next was hazy purple color. My grandmother, and my mother's mother, Edith who died a few months back due to old age appeared. She was a petite old woman, full of wisdom and compromise. Her ghost was dressed in a floral outfit and white platform  shoes. Edith owned a tea shop, as she was obsessed, well devoted to tea. She believed that tea was the answer to everything. And she was right. All the problems my mother had, was reconciled with the replenishing zen to a steaming hot cup of Chai tea. My Mother smiled at the warmth and comfort that was withheld in Edith's hug. I cooed as she kissed my forehead. The cooling wave that brushed through my body was most satisfactory. I was like floating on clouds, with a nice refreshing breeze, crisp and perfect. That was when sweet Granny Edith gave me a well deserved blessing, of promise.

It was finally over. I was gently lowered down in to my mother's arms. She whispered a prayer in my ear as she cradled me close and we walked out of the vodouisants lair.

And that was the start of it all..

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2015 ⏰

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