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Things I will be writing about in my fantasy-themed prompts:
-Fluff (and occasionally smut)
-Mental illness/ mental disorders incorporated into Fantasy settings
-Some horror, because why not?
-MAGIC (My all time favourite one to write about. It offers up so many possibilities.)
-Werewolves (I'm actually going to try and make them more than "hairy hot dudes" or "shirtless six-pack omegaverse alphas" because that shit is usually biologically inaccurate concerning wolves and is very cliché. Time for a change.)
-Witches (ties into magic most of the time, and is one of the more mysterious things to write about)
-Demons (And not just shirtless sexy demons. SCARY ONES. Ones that you won't even know are demons, at least not by name. Demons can technically just be anything deemed bad, even me and you. But consider this: are all demons supposed to be bad, or is it just a difference in nature between them and someone else? This is a concept I will consider in later chapters, maybe.)
-Angels (Considering demonism is a concept, if demons don't have an all-bad mentality, then who is to say angels are all pure and GOOD? Time to bring on the religious crazies and the rebellious ones who hang out at bars! Or something like that.)
-Elves. Oh yes.
-D and D stories can also fall here, as I run a D and D campaign currently.
-Urban legends, like Santa or the Jabberwock or hymens.
-Vampires will SELDOM EVER be used. They're very hard to write. Take a wild guess as to why.
-Fairies. Not just cute pixie girls (although I do love that), but the terrifying creatures of legend. Yep, THOSE FUCKERS. THE ONES THAT CRAWL INTO YOUR EARS WHILE YOU SLEEP.
-Ghosts. Again, hard to write, but like demons, I have some ideas.
-Mimics, why not?
-Wendigos. This is a highly underrated choice, and I won't just talk about the ones in Until Dawn, because that would be pandering too hard.
-Centaurs might be the comic relief. I'm not sure why, I find the idea of comic relief centaurs to be fun. Think of all the horse jokes.
-Mermaids would be awesome. I gotta sneak a sex joke in there somewhere as well. Half the time, though, they would get SCARY stories, because they deserve to be feared as much as most ghouls when they're not luring me in with their beauty.
-I'm extremely hesitant to do zombies. I'd have to write in an apocalyptic AU, which I've been known to suck at.
-Unicorns. Again, comic relief.
-And many more!!!!!

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