New Friend

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"Wait are you the princess!?" I ask a little surprised.

"Uh...ya I guess" she says

There was a little moment of awkward silence but I quickly break it by saying " sorry for intruding on you like that. My cat likes to sneak away a lot."

She gives me a small smile " what's his name"


" I think he's in love with my cat, Tiki. He kept flirting with her but a cat way" she chuckles.

I chuckle with her " Well I better go before I get caught by someone el.."

"Wait" she cut him off "Please don't go" she looks up at him with sad eyes. He looked in them and saw loneliness and it surprised him. I mean how can a beautiful princess like her be lonely.

It hurt me a little bit when she looked so sad.
"Ok, I'll stay for you purrincess"

Her expression turned to overwhelming excitement "Really, you'll really stay."

I nodded. "Only for a little while,I've got to get home."

She ran up and hugged him this caught me off guard as I felt her soft, warm skin wrapped around my body. I blushed and smiled and hugged her back.

They pulled away and she looks up at my red face. "What do friends do exactly."

"Uh...they just hang out I guess."

"Alright,what do you do when you hang out."

"Hmm anything really. How about you just talk to me. Tell me about your favorite things." I says with a smile. I don't know why but I wanted to know everything about her.

"Okay well I love to design and my best friend is my cat Tiki, OH. I love ladybugs there just so magical don't you think.
Did you know....."

She just kept going on and on, but Adrien was enjoying her sweet voice while listening to fun fact about ladybugs and her favorite things. To be quite honest I didn't want it to end. I loved having her talk to me, there was finally a girl who didn't want me for my looks, but as a friend. But the princess fell asleep. I carefully picked her up in my arms and she snuggled close which made him blush.

"Chat, please come visit me again" she says half asleep.

Although at first I wasn't sure, I didn't want to get in trouble with the king and queen. But then I took a look at her face and I knew I couldn't stay away even if I wanted to. " Anything for you princess." I say not wanting to put her down, I loved how she felt in my arms and wanted to hold her forever. I then decided against it, and tucked her in her bed.

She was now fully asleep. I placed a kiss on her forehead and looked at her again. She looked so peaceful, I just wanted to snuggle her and stay with her, but I couldn't.

I grabbed my cat and ran off into the night to my home.
When he got home he jumped on his bed and esighed dreaming about the girl he had just met.

He thought about her laugh, how it was so contagious. Her smile that made his knees weak. Hey eyes that showed so much emotion. Her voice that calmed him. He remembered how she made him blush, more than once. He had never blushed before, at least because of a girl.

He wondered how lonely she looked. Who wouldn't want to be around her. I mean the kingdom didn't know much about the princess. The only knew of her existence but the king and queen never let her come out.

He fell asleep, a smile on his face thinking about her. He eventually fell asleep and dreamed of her to.

He didn't know it yet, but he had fallen for the princess and there was no going back from it.

And he couldn't wait to visit her again.

The Lonely Princess 👑 -MLB AUWhere stories live. Discover now