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I wake up in the dark.

I've always hated the dark, it must've been maybe 6 or 7

My stomach let out a huge growl

"Damn I'm starving" I whisper to myself

I get up and head to my door only to be hit with dizziness

I fall to the floor and begin to whimper

A single tear falls to the floor

"What the fuck is wrong with me" I yell

I barely remember the conversation with Bryce

He said he was leaving for the night or something

My phone begins to ring from the nightstand and I begin to crawl towards it

It's Nicole...

I pick up but don't say anything

"Mikey...?" She says slowly

"What do you want" I snap clearly showing her I was in no mood for her games

"I'm sorry... I really am. Can I come over and see you?" she pleads

"Please. Nobody's here and I need help"

I hear rustling on her side as if she's gathering stuff and moving frantically

"What's wrong?? Is everything okay???" she questions concerned

"No, I think I have a concussion or something. Your little guy friend kicked my ass pretty hard"

"I'm coming, just get in bed and wait! It's better we discuss this face to face anyways" she orders and hangs up

I know it wasn't smart to have her over because it would only anger me more but Bryce wasn't gonna be back for a few hours and I had nobody else to ask

Within an hour or so Nicole comes in and drops her purse and belongings on the counter

she has her own key to our apartment

I hear her rush down the hall to my room and bust through the door

"Mikey? I'm here okay"

she applies a cold rag to my forehead

"Thank you.." I say

Never thought I'd be so forgiving in this situation

I'm still pissed she betrayed me so quickly

A little stress makes you cheat??? That makes no sense

I must've been making an angered face because she asked if I was okay

"are you alright? You know I'm sorry. I wish I could take it back... I was just mad you wanted to spend more time with Bryce than me-"

That's her reason?? Bryce....

"-Btw he left a note on the counter. Seems like he left town." she hands the note over

I skim over it and slowly put it down. I can't believe he left!

I scatter for my phone

"No don't move too fast babe"


"Babe? BaBE?? Is your little postmate man Babe too??" I snap

She sighs and puts her head down

I begin to get up but she holds me back

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