7 ♡ New transfer student?

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+hola amigos!! it has been such a long ass time since I even updated any of my stories which sucks bc I didn't know what exactly to write buttt yeahh. lets hope that ill be updating more in the near future uwu,,,, and school just started which uhhhh,,,means ill update on weekends maybe,, okehhh now enjoyyy

Junghye was listening to music as she was completely focused on the ground, spacing out. She was walking to school as per usual.

Stumbling, she paused right in her track when she realized that someone was standing before her and she looked up to see no other than Jungkook.

"Hey!" Jungkook waved and smiled, he seemed utterly exhausted.

"Uhm... hello?" Junghye responded slowly and took her earbuds out.

"Why do you seem so...I don't know, mad? That you're seeing me," his face instantly grew gloomy and was about to walk away but Junghye was quick to explain herself.

"No! I was just surprised. I wouldn't be mad seeing you so don't worry about it."

Jungkook smiled at that, knowing that she wasn't unhappy to see him.

They continued on with their morning together silently.

Each breath they exhaled created more fog. They both secretly appreciated each other's company but none of them let a word escape their mouths.

All of a sudden, Jungkook had the urge to ask if Junghye was cold and she automatically nodded her head. He took her hand and did his best to warm it up, she was definitely shocked but kept still.

They waited for approximately 10 minutes before the bus came to get them.

"Why do you take the bus?" Jungkook asked, knowing that her family could easily afford a car and a chauffeur for her.

"I hate making a scene," she mumbled, hiding her face under her scarf to warm up. Jungkook nodded. He wasn't sure what to do or say to her, his mind was nothing but emptiness.

Jungkook reached out her hand without a second thought of his decision, holding it

She flinched, darting her eyes immediately, "What are you doing?"

"Warming your hands up," he softly mumbled, but audible for her.

Junghye felt awkward, how was she supposed to react? She didn't know what else to do but to remain still and let him do his thing.

She awkwardly slipped her hand away from his light grip. It was not like she hated the warmth of his hand it was just too weird for her to handle, her heart was beating at a strange speed and she wasn't going to take any risks.


"Class, I want to introduce you to a new classmate who will be joining us for the rest of the year. Come in," the teacher gestured the new student to come and the moment he did.

"Hello, my name is Kim Yugyeom, nice to meet you all!" His smiled radiated enthusiastic energy which provoked the whole class full of students to whispered to each other.

"Let's give him a round of applause to welcome him to our school!" As the teacher instructed every one clapped, including Junghye who was still surprised at the appearance of Yugyeom, her childhood friend that moved to another city at a young age.

"Hmm... Let's see, you may sit next to Junghye," Mrs. Jeong gestured her hand towards Junghye and girls were just devastated that he wasn't going to sit next to them as they're attracted to how fine he looked.

Yugyeom walked towards Junghye with a mischievous expression on his face and eventually sends a wink to Junghye. She scoffed, knowing his ridiculous yet kind personality. 

"What? Not going to hit me?" Yugyeom attempted to playfully foment her but she just completely ignored him. 


"Ah come on, Junghye, we're no stranger, you can't just be so cold to me like this," he whined like a little child, giving Junghye goosebumps all over her body. 

"It's not like that, you were just being extremely distracting in class so I thought it was best if I just ignored you or else I wouldn't be able to write all the notes down," she stated in a monotone, making Yugyeom felt extra neglected. 

Junghye proceeded to walk out of her classroom, getting ready to go get her daily lunch from the cafeteria, Yugyeom immediately followed her, it just came naturally for him to follow her since it was a habit he developed during their childhood years. She decided to just ignore him because the last time they saw each other was when he made a mistake and that completely hurt Junghye.

"Junghye... please, if you want me to explain about that day then I will but I can't stand the fact that you're ignoring me. I'm sorry, I truly am," Yugyeom stood right in front of her, causing her to stop walking instantly. 

"Alright, you're sorry, I get it but I would truly appreciate it if you just stop bothering me and leave me alone right now, I'm not in the mood to continuously argue with you like this. You're also wasting my time," and before she could take another step away from him, he quickly pulled her into his uncomforting embrace. 

Struggling, Junghye attempted to push him away and since they were in the middle of the hallway, the hugging was obviously causing a commotion and whisperings. 

Not long after, Junghye felt her being pulled away by someone behind her but thanks to that person, Yugyeom let her go, frowning as he was confused. 

"Excuse me? What do you think you're doing?" As Junghye turned around, Jungkook was holding into her, his tall masculine figure towered over her protectively.

"Who are you? Why are you getting your nose in our business?" Yugyeon was starting to be furious and frustrated with Jungkook, who he had yet to meet and know of. He felt his blood boiling which led him to shoved Jungkook's shoulder a bit.

What Jungkook claimed next not only surprised Yugyeom but also Junghye. She widened her eyes in shock, utterly speechless. 

"I'm her boyfriend."


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