Chapter 2

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Kate awoke the next morning to an empty bed images of a distance memory flashed through her mind.

Images of the last time when they were together at ADFA, Mike left with nothing but a note on her pillow the next morning not even explaining why he left just a note saying 'Sorry'

Kate looked to the empty side of the bed praying she wouldn't see a note. There wasn't one 'Thank god' Kate thought to hersel.

But if he wasn't in bed where was he?

Her suspicion was confirmed when she heard Mike's voice coming from the kitchen.She got out of bed and put on her dressing gown as she made her way towards the kitchen. She came to see the sight of Mike in his jocks making them Breakfast.

Kate sniggered to herself as she made her way to sit at the Counter.

"Something smells good" she said stealing a strawberry from the bowl

"We've got Pancakes, Fruit salad and Orange Juice"

he said smiling at her as he picked up the Pancakes and carried them to the table

Kate picked up the fruit salad and Orange Juice bottle as Mike went back for the glasses.

Kate sat down at the table and Mike poured them both a glass of Orange Juice Kate smiled as he took a seat opposite her and raised his glass

"Merry Christmas Katie"

"Merry Christmas Mike" she said as she took a sip of her drink totally aware Mike called her 'Katie' but she didn't want to ruin the moment.

He only ever called her that when they were dating back in ADFA he was the only who said it to her. Unless you count her brother but that was different.

Mike and Kate were eating away when the doorbell rang, Kate got up to answer it looking strangely at Mike as she wasn't expecting anyone.As she opened the door she was embraced in a huge hug by her brother

"Katie!" he said embracing her in a hug seeing a man out of the corner of his eye slipping away towards her bedroom

"Liam! I thought you were in Melbourne?" she said pulling away from the hug and closing the door behind him.

Kate looked around curious as to where Mike got to this didn't go unnoticed by Liam

"Am I interrupting something?" he asked pointing to the two place sets at the table

"Ah.." but before she could answer Mike came out of the bedroom fully dressed, Liam looked him up and down quite unimpressed

"Hi, I'm Mike" he said reaching out his hand

"Liam" he said shaking Mike's hand

Kate looked on noticing the awkwardness between the 3 of them

"I'll leave you too it" Mike said grabbing his jacket and keys of the couch

"I'll walk you out" Kate said as she walked towards the door with Mike

Standing outside near his car with the little Privacy they had Mike spoke

"I had fun last night"

"Yeah, me too" Kate smiled at him

"Well I'll leave you too it so you can spend time with your brother" Mike said as he leaned in kissing Kate softly on the cheek.

Both unaware that Liam was looking through the curtain at them. Kate waved at Mike as she made her way back inside with a smile on her face.

"So that's the famous Mike" Liam asked as Kate stepped foot into the kitchen

"Well..." Kate said sitting at the table her blushing not going unnoticed by her brother

"Katie.. What are you doing he's your Boss"

He was concerned for his sister he knew how things ended when she was with him at ADFA she had come home after graduating and he could see she had been crying none stop, she told him about a Man she fell in Love with but he left with nothing but a note. Their parents were away in Geelong for a couple weeks so she couldn't confide in her Mum.

Luckily her brother was there to dry her tears and help heal her heart he told her she was worthy and deserved better which helped make her the strong independent Woman she was today. He had seen her worst moments and her good moments always there to support her no matter what. When she was transferred to Cairns to serve on Hammersley she rang her brother and told him that the same man from 5 years ago was now her Boss. To say the least he was not impressed especially the way Mike had hurt his sister.

"It's not like that I promise" she said cleaning up the plates

"Katie..." he said helping her clean up

"Liam, I'm fine honestly. I'm not a little girl anymore" she said turning to look at him

His hair was longer though he didn't look a day older than 25.

"It's good to see you" he said as he pulled her into another hug

"So how long you staying for?" Kate asked pulling away from the embrace

"I've got a room booked in the city, so undecided yet"

"Nonsense your staying here, I've got a spare room" Kate said walking towards her spare room

"Thanks Katie" he said following behind and placing his bag on the bed

"So I'll let you get settled, I need to g have a shower and when I get back we can go out for lunch?"

"Sounds good" he smiled as Kate made her way towards her ensuite.

While in the shower Kate couldn't help but think of what her brother said, Mike was her Boss well at least for now.

What would that mean for them?

Was this just a one time thing or would they actually have a future together?

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