Chapter Two- Take A Chance

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* 9 Years Later*

"Jay! Stop being weird and just tell me already!" I yelled and nudged him.

"Okay, goodness gracious woman don't get your knickers in a twist!" he grabbed my arm to stop me from nudging him once more.

I folded my arms into my chest and crossed my legs. I was eager to know what his "big news" was. Knowing Jay, it was probably something like "oh the cute blonde from my English class asked to borrow a pencil today and I'm pretty sure she likes me now." I have to admit, I'm a pretty good best friend to this idiot.

"Okay so remember how I went for that audition the other day? The one that I had no idea what it was for but it sounded nice and vague so I went to see what it was about?" He said slowly, probably trying to make sure he wouldn't have to repeat himself later. I'm so horrible at paying attention sometimes, I blame my high sugar intake.

"Yeah, how did it go?" I asked excitedly. I think I was more interested than he was to see what this audition was all about.

"Well apparently it was a band audition. They asked me to sing a song for them and I couldn't think of anything so I just picked the one you were humming the other day. Anyways, they called me back about a week later and asked me to come back for a final audition." he finished, popping yet another skittle into his mouth. He had a secret drawer in his room that only I knew about, it was seriously never empty.

"Oh my god Jay! Why didn't you fucking say anything you idiot?" I uncrossed my arms and reached over to punch him in his pale, lanky arm.

He winced in pain and stuck his tongue out at me. " Christ on a bike Emma! I didn't say anything cause I'm not going."

"Wait, why not?" I sunk back into my corner on his bed.

"Cause, I dunno, I'm not that good I guess." he scratched the back of his neck, which was something he only did when he was upset about something.

"Sing the song Jay." I demanded.

"What?" he questioned me.

"Sing me the song McGuiness. You can at least sing a song to your bestest friend." I pinched his cheek and used a baby voice, mostly to annoy him.

"Okay, okay! Just stop being weird." he shrugged me off.

I laughed and tried to calm myself down quickly. I sat with my hands in my lap, waiting for him to begin.

" I want to be rich and I want lots of money. I don't care about clever I don't care about funny. " he sang the first line of my favorite song so clearly and well, amazingly. In all the years we'd been best friends, I had never actually heard him sing. Unless he was being his normal loud, obnoxious self and trying to ruin my favorite songs. But this was different, he was genuinely trying to sing. And he was doing so well.

" I don't know what's right and what's real anymore. And I don't know how I'm meant to feel anymore. And when do you think it will all become clear?' Cause I'm being taking over by The Fear." He hit the notes and riffs perfectly. This was a whole other side to my best friend that I'd never seen, and it was amazing. He was so talented!

" Forget about guns and forget ammunition. 'Cause I'm killing them all on my own little mission." I was so proud of him, he was doing perfectly. But he stopped at that line and groaned in frustration.

"I know it sounds bad. I dunno, I think I'm just gonna call them back and tell them I'm not interested." he shook his head and reached for another handful of skittles.

"Jay, seriously? You can't tell me you genuinely believe that." I raised and eyebrow and I had to fight back wagging a finger at him.

"So? What's your point?" he avoided eye contact with me and stared into his skittle filled palm.

"If you sounded horrible, they wouldn't have wasted their time calling you back for another audition now would they? So stop wallowing in your little pity party and get your head out of your arse. You sounded phenomenal, seriously. I wouldn't lie to you, you're my best friend remember?" I lectured him. I know it was a bit harsh but that was the only way to get through to this boy when he was acting like this.

"But they probably just felt bad for me, let's be hon-" I cut him off before he could even get another word out.

"Shut up. You sounded damn good, I don't know what's making you feel so... inadequate, but whatever it is, ignore it. You're really good Jay honestly, you just need to believe in yourself and your abilities." I scooted closer to him and rested my head on his shoulder. I realized the harsh approach wasn't gonna work for this situation.

He chuckled a bit and reached for even more skittles, but instead of tossing them all in his mouth he handed me a small pile.

"Why are you always right? It's so annoying." he scrunched his nose at me.

"It's what best friends do dummy." I moved my head off of his shoulder and onto the wall.

"You didn't even realize you said arse did you?" he turned to me and smirked.

"Of course I did. It was for dramatic effect okay?" I couldn't even take that answer seriously.

He started cackling and threw his head back. " Face it, you're British now. Just cause you have more of an American accent, doesn't mean you aren't a true Brit."

"Shut.your.mouth." I glared at him. I don't know why, but I hated when people called me British. I obviously wasn't from England. Although I had gained a slight accent which was usually fixed when my mom and I went back home to America for vacations.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" he asked, with a mouthful of- what else, skittles.

" I dunno can you?" I smirked back at him. Our friendship was always glued together with our mutual heavy amount of sarcasm.

"Let's do a, what do you Americans call it? A pink promise?" he looked so confused, it was actually great to see. Jay was hardly ever confused about something, cause he was smarter than most people.

"Oh god, a pinky promise dumb ass." I snickered and grabbed one of his red skittles.

"Yeah that. Erm, let's pinky promise that if I get into this band and we get super famous, we'll still be best friends?" he was kind of whispering. I think cause he realized how sappy he sounded. I enjoyed it though.

I held my small pinky finger out to him. "Of course we will. You cant get rid of me that easily. You kinda sealed your fate the day we met."

He hooked his pinky with mine and made the promise official. He laughed after he did it, I think he realized how silly he looked.

"Okay now let go, your hand is all sweaty and gross." I tried to pry my pinky from his but he decided to hold my hand entirely and now our fingers were interlaced with one another.

"Hush, you love my huge, clammy hands don't you Em?" he winked at me.

I gagged and took my hand away from his quickly. But I will say, I actually didn't mind it too much. I actually kind of liked it. Wait no, what was I thinking?! Jay was my best friend and nothing more! He has always been the one guy in my life that I could depend on no matter what and I didn't wanna ruin that. But maybe he felt the same way?

No, there's no way in hell he ever would...

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What's up guys !

So like I said, this chapter is kinda similar to the first. I'm actually really enjoying writing this story so far (:

I hope you guys like the direction the story is going , if you're still confused- don't worry! This next chapter will make things easier I promise!

Um, that's all for now so yeah read and vote for the story, that'd be awesomesauce.

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