First year and First impressions

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Everything felt so surreal as you stood on platform 9 and 3/4 and bid farewell to  your mum as your brother lewis stowed your  luggage. You couldn't believe you were finally going to attend Hogwarts school of witchcraft craft and wizardry.

As you slowly made your way down the train looking for an empty compartment you couldn't help but resent Lewis a little  for not letting you sit with him. Though you could see his perspective it probably would have been embarrassing sitting with a first year if you were in seventh year let alone if that first year happened to be your sister. So begrudgingly you continued your search for a compartment.

"Ok, you can do this roxie! Just pick a compartment and try to make friends." You tried to encourage yourself as the chances of finding and empty compartment seemed less likely. the train then jolted into motion sending you unceremoniously flying into the nearest compartment door.

You opened the door to the compartment and noticed a set of red headed twins sitting in the corner enthralled in a discussion. Taking a seat across from them they both looked up at you and smiled in greeting, believing this to be a good sign you introduced yourself. "Hi I'm Roxanne O'Connor, but my friends call me roxie." You said extending your hand with a smile." " My name's Fred and this is my less attractive twin George, nice to meet you." One of twins responded taking your hand.

During the train ride you and the twins began to get to know each other. With the topic of conversation varying from interests to family, during which you came to the conclusion that although they were similar Fred definitely seemed to be the more outgoing and mischievous of the two.

As the train neared it's destination the conversation turned semi serious as the subject of being sorted into houses was broached. "We're going to be part of Gryffindor, the best house there is!." Fred stated with overflowing pride. "How about you roxie?" George inquired. "Oh, um well my whole family are Hufflepuffs so there's a good chance I'll be one. But I guess if I could I'd like to be sorted into one of the other houses." You replied. "Any reason you don't want to be in Hufflepuff." Fred asked out of curiosity. " Um not really I guess I'd just like to be a bit different." You responded hesitantly. In all honesty it was the truth you didn't dislike Hufflepuff, it's just you wanted to be different from your family. But it wasn't just that, you felt that you could do and be so much more than you were and that being labelled a Hufflepuff would somehow hinder you.

Everyone disembarked from the train and headed to Hogwarts. As you neared the Great Hall the nerves began to set in. After the sorting hat finished his song and began the sorting ceremony your nerves at this point had gotten the upper hand and you felt like passing out. Something about your appearance must have alerted the twins standing to your side as you felt the light pressure of Fred's hand on your shoulder. You looked up to see Fred giving you what could only be a reassuring smile but before you had time to reciprocate your name had been called. You made your way upto the stool thanking Merlin that you didn't trip and took your seat. When the hat was placed on your head it instantly began to whisper to you. " Hmm an O'Connor, while I'd usually say Hufflepuff I see there's more to you than meets the eye. Quite a brilliant mind I see, with loyalty and courage too. But after having another look I know the perfect place for you." The hat finished. "SLYTHERIN!!" It shouted. Followed by an eruption of applause from the far left table.

You couldn't believe it Slytherin.. of all the houses it was the only one you never considered, I mean everyone knew the rumours surrounding the house weren't good. As you took a deep breath you looked up from the floor in hopes of another of Fred's reassuring smiles, Merlin knows you needed it, instead you were greeted with a look of shock and almost horror. You smiled at him hoping he'd snap out of his shock and reciprocate, but instead he just looked away. Leaving you to walk towards Slytherin table with a heart heavy over the loss of what you had hoped was a new friendship.

Over the rest of first year you slowly acclimatized to Slytherin house. Unfortunately you found your housemates to be less agreeable than you'd hoped but you had managed to form friendships with people from other houses including Angelina Johnson from Gryffindor. As you spent more time with her your time spent in the vicinity of the twins also increased. At first it was awkward but as the year progressed George began to acknowledge you and even tell the odd joke. However, Fred never said more than a few words and barely made eye contact. As you headed for home before commencing 2nd year it seemed that all hope of ever being Fred's friend had truly been lost.

To be continued.......

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Fred Weasley short fic: ambitious and Cunning, sweet and lovingWhere stories live. Discover now