Chapter 23- I broke up with him.

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" ...Me...and Hwan broke up " sighed Hanuel

" he broke up with you ? Why ? " asked Sehun

" it's more like I broke up with him...I haven't been telling you but Me and sky are cousins.
my full name is Jeon Lee Hanuel and I didn't tell you At first...I'm sorry ,
she threatened to kill Hanuel and a girl,my childhood friend Kim lissana amber
And sky threatened her if I didn't Break Jungkook and Jimin up ,
then her girlfriend would die , "

" so you broke them up ? "

"  I didn't break them up they did it themselves but she won't let me go...
her next target is you , told her She has nothing against me , my parents are gone ,
I don't have a boyfriend anymore So I came to warn you "

" okay but still be carful , she is everywhere "

" I will be any chance have you seen Hwan ? " asked Hanuel

" Jae ? He texted me he's sick apparently and doesn't want to go to school today "




" ...why the hell am I here bastard ? " shouted Jae

" ...Jae...or should I call you Hwan-ah ? " smirked Sky

" don't you dare call me that ! "

" why ? Is it reserved for your boyfriend? "

" We are not dating anymore ! We broke up ! Jeon sky."

" ...ha so you know my real name...anyway your Ex loves you and probably
Will be here to save 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1 "

As soon as she said one the door slammed opened and another man walked in.

" Taemin ? "

" There is a problem , Hanuel isn't coming to save him " sighed Taemin

" what do you mean ? " asked sky

" I mean I followed him and he wasn't even concerned why Jay didn't show up , then
I kinda told him we kidnapped him and he didn't care ! "

" he didn't care  ! "

" No he didn't ! He walked off and said 'pffft I don't care ' "

" Ugh ! It's so hard to manipulate children these days...Jae stay here
Don't move ! "

" I'm tied up ! You expect me to be able to move ? "

" good point, have fun " waved Taemin

As soon as Taemin left a few minutes later Hanuel walked in , Jae stared
At him shocked.

" I- thought...they said you weren't going to save me ? " blurted Jae

" ...of course I am I was tricking them , so they would leave "

" well that didn't work , Taemin was dumb enough to fall for it but I knew " smirked Sky

" And yet your still dating that pathetic loser " said Hanuel

"  At least I'm not single like you "

" Ha that's funny coming from you , at least I've been able to keep a relationship
For a long time...5 years to be break up with every boyfriend after a week "

" Because there not amazing enough and I'm pretty smart to  know you still love him ,
The reason you broke up was to protect him...isn't that cute ? "

" Can we get this over with ? " asked Hanuel

" Be patient ~ lets make a deal " Sky said to Hanuel

" What deal ? What do you want with him ? " asked Jae

" I want Jungkook "

" Jungkook is your freaking cousin -  " said Hanuel

" No he isn't ! And neither are you ! "

" what do you mean ? "




" we are  adopted "


" I miss him...when I say that I miss him more " sighed Jungkook

" Jungkook...this isn't healthy for both of you , both of you love each
Other , why did you stop ? " asked Namjoon

" we are both not together and none of us is's better this way "

" if your not going to get back together why not move on ? " asked Jackson

" I don't think..." Jungkook paused for a second before finally blurting out the truth.




" I will never fall in love again "

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