Chapter Seven

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Ada's POV

The next two weeks went by uneventful. Eve still thinks I'm a guy and I think I'll just let her figure out on her own how wrong she is. I know she'll hate me when she finds out, but it'll be better that way. We got kind of close, I'd consider her a good friend by now, and I can feel myself slightly falling for her. She and Isabel were still together but their relationship started to fall apart. They had fights on a regular basis. At least every second day they fought about something, just for Eve to apologize even though it mostly was Isabel's fault. I pissed me off. I saw Isabel coming out of a closet at least three times this week and Jenna saw her in the mall with a freshman. I'm pretty sure Isabel is cheating on Eve, but I don't have prove. For all we know they can just be friends. I want to keep Eve save, I want to protect her, but I know damn well that I can't let myself fall for her. This wouldn't end well. So I'm just going to do nothing about these damned feelings. This is how it went for the next few weeks. We just concentrated on school, trying to forget about out personal life, not caring about our problems, escaping the real world, trying not to feel anything at all.

Eve's POV

The last month wasn't that good. Isabel and I fought constantly. I just apologized to her for things that weren't even my fault. I'm so angry at her. It's nearly Christmas and I'm so close to breaking up with her, but I'm stupid and give her one chance after another. The fights we had in school were bad but they're nothing compared to the arguments we have at home. Isabel always yells at me. I should just break up with her. I cried myself to sleep again last night so my eyes are red and puffy when I sit down next to Adam. We got close over the last month, even though we never hang out outside of school. "Hey, you okay?" He asked, his voice sounds sleepy and kinda raspy. I just nodded my head, but he caught my chin turning my head to face him. "No, you're not." He studied my face, his electric blue eyes covered in worry. "Tell me what happened?" "It's nothing. Isabel and I had an argument last night, nothing important." I said turning away from him. I don't want to talk about it. I can hear him mumble next to me. "It's nothing, I can see that. That's why your eyes are all red and puffy. Please Eve, this is getting worse every day. You need to break up with her before she starts getting abusive or something." "She's not getting abusive, we just have some small arguments. Everything is going to be fine." "If that's what you want to believe." He sighed and put his head on the table. He seems upset. "I'm sorry, okay? I just don't want to throw away my relationship." "No, it's okay, do whatever you want. I just don't want you to get hurt. But please go ahead and get your heart broken. Even better, throw it to her feet. She's just standing there waiting for you to break down and if you won't do that on your own, she's going to push you down." He looked away and I could hear him mumble something under his breath. "I just hope you'll wake up before she goes too far." But I'm not sure I heard him right. He sounded so angry. Maybe he's right, but I don't want to believe that... I want to keep the image of Isabel that I had built over the last eight months. But it's falling apart. Isabel used to be a happy, kind girl. She used to smile a lot. She was funny. She was caring. She was the kind of girl everyone wanted to have as a girlfriend. But she changed. From the moment she met Adam, Isabel started to change. At first, she stopped making jokes. She used to make a bad pun every chance she got, but I haven't heard one since we moved here. I thought she was sad because of the move, but after a while Isabel started getting angry ever chance she got. By now she changed completely, form the once sweet and caring girlfriend to the controlling, angry and dominant girlfriend. I just hope Adam is wrong and she won't become the abusive girlfriend in a bit. Isabel always wants to know where I am and what I'm doing. Most importantly she always demands to know who I'm with. She gets angry whenever I forget to tell her something. She yells at me, accusing me of cheating on her. Yet she won't tell me what she is doing the whole day. Sometimes she is gone at night, when I wake up from a nightmare. She says I'm cheating on her, but she is the one lying and sneaking around. She is the one who used to sleep around, not me. Just thinking about it made me angry. "Adam? Do you know if Isabel is cheating on me?" His eyes widened in shock. "Ugh, What?" I couldn't tell if he was shocked because I found out or because he wouldn't have thought of that. "You heard me right. Is she cheating on me?" He sighed. "I honestly don't know it Eve. I have seen her coming out of closets and Jenna saw her at the mall with some girl, but I don't know if she's cheating. Sorry but you have to ask her yourself." "I think I already know the answer, but thank you for telling me." If I wasn't feeling down before, I'm definitely now. "Hey?" Adam pocked me in the side. "Let's skip the rest of the day. We'll pass by in the nurse office, she'll give us a slip and we'll go eat some Ice cream." Adam said, smiling brightly trying to lift my mood. "I'd love that." I have absolutely now motivation to go through this day of school. So, when the bell rang I got up and followed him to the nurse office. Somewhere along the way Adam took my hand pulling me to walk faster through the mass of people in the hallway. "Lynn?" Adam called out when we stepped into the room. "What." The twenty something year old woman came out of the back room. Her long brown hair flowing down her right shoulder while her left side had a side cut. She raised her perfect eyebrow looking at Adam with her chocolate brown eyes. She sounded pretty annoyed. "Sorry if I interrupted something, but we need an excuse to leave school early today" "A you know your mom is my boss? I can't always lie to her." "Please Lynn, this is an emergency, if you won't do it for me do it for her." He pointed at me. "Sorry A, but I'm not giving you a slip to fuck a girl." A laugh escaped me when I heard that. "Good try, but I'm not into him, besides I have a girlfriend." "Hasn't stopped A before." Lynn looked at me sceptical. "Stop it Lynn. I haven't had sex in a month, I'm trying to change, so I'm not going to fuck her, as you put it so nicely. I'm going to take her out to eat Ice cream to forget about her last fight with her girlfriend. So, are you going to give us a slip?" She sighed but ripped two papers out of her block. "There take this, and now go. This is the last time A." "Thanks Lynn. Bye Chrissy." He screamed that last part. "Bye A, and tell Lynn to get her sexy ass back in here." Lynn blushed a deep shade of red and Adam pulled me out of the room laughing his head off. "Who is Chrissy?" "Lynn's girlfriend. She's also the new classical music teacher since our old one quit due to too much stress or something." "That makes sense, well kind of." We waked out to the parking lot, but I stopped when I realised something. "Wait were they having sex in there?" Adam laughed. "I'm pretty sure they were at least close to. Chrissy has the second period off today so she always goes to Lynn. Which is probably the only reason Lynn let us go that fast." "Oh" was all I could say before Adam pulled me to a black Porsche. "How rich are you?" I asked caressing the side of the car. My family is rich, but not 'gonna buy my daughter a 200.000-dollar sports car' rich. "My mom owns that school so I guess we have some money." He opened the door for me closing it behind me like a real gentleman before he sat down on the driver's side. He swiftly drove through the traffic parking in front of an Ice cream shop next to a mall. Adam opened the door for me, and it gives me a slight feeling as if we had a date. "Thanks." I mumbled walking past him into the café. We ordered out Ice cream and sat down in the corner next to the window. "How about we talk about the heavy stuff while eating our Ice, after that we'll talk about funny stuff?" "Sounds good." I started eating my ice, while thinking about what I should tell him. "How about you start by telling me how Isabel changed?" he tried helping as if he read my mind. I nodded slowly. "So, I know that the Isabel I dated wasn't the Isabel you used to know. I don't know what happened back at your old school and I'm pretty sure you're not going to tell me. Back home Isabel used to be nice. A kind girl, who always made a joke. She supported you with all your dreams, encouraged you to follow your heart. When we met I was pretty down. I just got dumped by my boyfriend, my parents had an argument and my dance class got cancelled because the teacher broke her foot. Nothing was good, at least that's how I saw it. I got depressed and Isabel helped me out. She and Jenna were my friend back then but they haven't met yet. After a month, I started falling for Isabel, and I knew from my last relationship that I was gay, so it wasn't a surprise for me. I just dated the guy because he was popular and he asked me out. I never felt anything for him, yet it still hurt when he dumped me for some cheerleader. I wanted Isabel and Jenna to meet. So, I arranged a meeting at the Starbucks in the mall. As soon as Jenna saw Isabel and me she immediately turned around and walked away. I took me a whole month to get her to meet Isabel. By now it was the end of December. They never liked each other and Jenna warned me that Isabel wouldn't be a good girlfriend but she also said it was my decision and she would support me no matter what or who I choose. I took my time, nearly two months until I accepted Isabell's invitation to go on a date with her. And Isabel and I had a great Relationship from there on, 'till last month. The she started changing. She stopped making jokes. Then she started asking me questions whenever I got home a little later than usual or when I used my phone. Over the last two weeks it got worse. She screamed at me. She started accusing me of cheating. She called me names. But in the end, she always apologized, until yesterday. I came home late from dance practice. See we're both here for dance, but we're not in the same class. When I came home yesterday she immediately screamed at me, demanding to know where I came from and who I was with, so I told her the truce. She didn't believe me, called me a 'lying slut' and I should go back to that whore I obviously fucked with. I told her she should think about how ridiculous she is and told her to come back when she's able to think straight again. I left her in the kitchen and heard her slamming the door shut. I don't know where she went and honestly I don't even want to know." After my big rant, we are both silent for a while. "I'm sorry Eve. All this started when I came into your life. I kind of feel like it's my fault, also because Jenna told me what happened between her and Isabel and it sounded like Isabel was jealous of me. Not saying that there is anything to be jealous of since I'm a nobody. I have nothing and back then I had even less. But that doesn't matter now. From everything I have heard I would say Isabel has two big problems. 1) She can't deal with jealousy. She sees people as hers and only hers. She is the only one that person, in this case you, should spent their time with. At the same time, she has a problem with commitment. She can be in a serious relationship for a while but then she starts feeling like it's putting her in a cage. She starts searching for ways to break out. To cover up the cheating she starts blaming the other person, which leads to her aggressive behaviour. She is angry at herself, but she is unable to see her own mistakes, so, again, she blames you. All the anger and jealousy bring out another side of her. The controlling, aggressive Isabel." Adam kinda sounds like a psychologist, even so what he just said was kind of a big mess, it still sounded logical to me. "Makes sense, kind of, but what can we do to bring back the other Isabel?" I looked at him, searching for help in his blue eyes. "I don't know. We have to show her, her mistakes. We have to make it clear to her that she is the one fucking up here. And we have to show her what she's going to lose if she's not going to change soon. I won't let her hurt you." He sounded sweet, always assuring me that he won't let me get hurt. "So how about, when she comes back home to me, I'll tell her I need a break. That I can't do this anymore, but I don't want to lose her. I tell her I can't deal with her being jealous and controlling but I'll take her back when she realised her mistakes and stops accusing me of things that I never did?" I fidget with my hands nervously. "Well it's a plan," He said hesitantly "but...." I looked up at him. "What if she won't accept it?" "She doesn't have a choice." I don't want to think about that. All the what if's. "Eve, I'm sorry. It's a plan, and it can work, but you have to think about the what if's. I know you don't want to think about it but please, just for a second, think about what you'll do if she won't accept a break? What if she gets even worse? What if she starts beating you up? I don't want you to end up as her punching bag. And I also know how you don't want to think about the other possibilities. But Eve, what if she won't come back to you?" I thought about all this for a moment. "Either way, I'd have to get over her. I won't stay with her if she gets abusive and I'm not going to force her to stay with me if I'm not what she wants." He slowly nodded his head. "Good if you are a hundred percent sure about this, please take this break. I'm sure a break is good for the both of you at the moment. I'm just worried about you." He put down his melted ice cream. "But now I want you to have fun. Don't think about Isabel and all that shit for a while. Come on, we'll do something crazy." I raised my eyebrow at him before getting up and following a childishly jumping Adam through the mall. He stopped in front of the Arcade. "Something crazy? Adam that might be crazy for a 10-year-old little boy?" "Are you trying to say I'm not a ten-year-old little boy?" he asked coking his eyebrow. "Well you might be a ten-year-old boy but you surely are not little." I looked up at his 5'12 self. "Come on I'll get you whatever you want." "Who said I can't win stuff myself?" "Your appearance basically screams that you have no idea about Arcade games." I walked past him throwing my hair over my shoulder before I exchanged some money for tokens. "Ready to get your Ass beaten, Adam?" "I don't know, are you?" "Ha, I'm not going to lose this."

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