Chapter 59

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Chapter 59

It has been two days. Brant won’t answer his cell, neither will Lee. Funny how, even now, I still think of them as separate individuals. I drove to Jillian’s yesterday. Stood on her front step and stared into her eyes. Her pupils red, her face as strained as my own. We both love him; I understand that. Understand that she has dealt with this for decades longer than me. I understand that she is upset with me for breaking the balance, for shoving the truth into his face despite the consequences. I may be responsible for losing him. I may have tipped the scale and caused his psyche to crash. Fall to a depth that it is unable to rise from. I could have, in my moment of confession, lost the man I love.

It is an unthinkable thought, but one I must consider.

She didn’t know where he was either. He hasn’t called her, hasn’t responded to her texts. She didn’t say it, but I could feel the blame. This was what she warned me of, and her face clearly stated her opinion of me. For the first time, I feel I deserved her scorn.

We agreed not to call the police. To wait and hope for him to surface. She is monitoring his credit cards and bank accounts. Sooner or later, he should use one.

I returned home afterwards. Paced every floor of our home and prayed into the wee hours of morning.


At 4 AM, I wake with an idea. Toss and turn over it before my brain functions enough to iron out a plan. I consider and discard Don, then call Marcus. “Where are you?”

“In bed. It’s the middle of the night.”

“I’m coming to you. Text me your address.”

“Is this about Molly?”

I hang up the phone without answering, shove my feet into Uggs and grab my keys. Take the elevator down and step into the garage. My phone dings with Marcus’s address at the same time that the garage bay doors open.

Marcus had gotten rid of Molly. Hopefully he would help me find Brant.


Marcus answers the door in nothing but pajama bottoms, the view of chiseled abs doing absolutely nothing for me. I move into his house, bee-lining for the kitchen and slap a piece of paper on the counter.

“This is what I need.” I explain the plan, then push my cell toward him. “Call them.”

He looks at me with speculation. “A phone call? That’s it? For a thousand bucks?”

I shrug. “It’s five am. I figure I’m paying graveyard rates. Sell it.”

He lets out a rumble of a sigh, pulls the paper closer, and dials the number.

“Put it on speaker,” I whisper.

He obliges, giving me a look that many would classify as disrespectful.

“Eurowatch Assistance, how may I help you?”

Marcus glances at me. “This is Brant Sharp. I need help in locating my car.”

“Certainly, Mr. Sharp. I will need to ask you a series of security questions to first verify your identity.”

“Go ahead,” Marcus says with a wary glance in my direction. I nod at him.

“What is the VIN number of the car you would like to track?”

“J2R43L2KS14JD799F” he recites, reading the line of numbers off the paper.

“Excellent. Please hold while I pull up your profile.” There is a series of keystrokes before the interrogation continues. I cross my fingers and hope that I have enough information. I had cleared the safe of as many files of importance as I could grab, getting the file on the car as well as the personal file that holds copies of all of his identification documents. I can’t imagine that Aston Martin knows much more than what was presented at the time of purchase.

“Mr. Sharp, may I have your address please?”

“23 Ocean’s Bluff Drive.”

“And your driver’s license number?”

There are three more questions that Marcus passes with flying colors, us both breathing easier when the representative moves on.

“Please hold while we locate the vehicle. Would you like us to also notify local police?”

“No,” Marcus said with an easy laugh. “My nephew was due home two hours ago. Borrowed it for a date. We’re thinking he’s sleeping off a party somewhere. I’ll just breathe easier knowing where it’s at.”

“Excellent, sir. One more minute on the location.”

I give him a thumbs up and he rubs his fingers together. Digging in my pocket, I come up with and toss his cash across the counter. Pulling the paper closer, I grab a pen. Wait for the voice to tell me my soulmate’s location. Cross my fingers and pray he has stayed with his car.

“Mr.Sharp, if you have a pen, I have the location.”

“Go ahead.”

I pose over the paper.

“8912 Evergreen Trail, San Francisco, California. Please know that, if you wish, we can remotely disable the engine.”

Marcus glances at me, and I shake my head in response. “That won’t be necessary. Thank you for your help.”

“Thank you for calling Eurowatch, Mr. Brant. And thank you for being a member of the Aston Martin family.”

Marcus reaches out and ends the call. “That help?”

“Yes, thank you.” I key the address into my phone, grabbing the papers, my mind mentally walking through the next steps. I should call Jillian. Get her involved, or at least in the loop before I head to wherever Brant is.

I come to a sudden stop before the door, his body hitting me from behind. “What?” he says, stepping back. “Everything okay?”

I stared at my phone, at the first search engine result: the property appraiser site for San Francisco County. 8912 Evergreen Trail is a home. A large one, purchased for $6.5 million seven years ago by one Jillian Sharp.

I lock my phone and yank at the front door, fury propelling me forward.

“What’s wrong?” Marcus calls after me, my backward glance catching him in the door, his hands braced on either side of the frame.

I take a step back, rip a page from the folder and scribble down the few items that the Aston Martin representative had asked for. Thrust the paper at him. “Call them back. Invent a new story, but find out how long his car has been there. Then text me it.”

“For free?” The incredulity in his voice has my eyes snapping back, his hands raising up when he sees the fire in my glare. “Okay. Just joking. I’ll call them.”

“Now!” I call out, turning and jogging down the hill of his driveway, my car chirping as I plow toward it.

My suspicions are confirmed when the text from Marcus comes through.


Bitch. That woman had stood on her front porch and lied to me, his car no doubt tucked away in one of her garages. Let me stand there guilt-stricken and led me to believe that Brant was wandering around lost. Unsure of who he was, in the middle of a psychological break because of my actions. Had stood there with her judgmental Iwasright glare. When he had been inside her house the whole time. Had he stood by the window and watched me? Is he mad at me? Is she using this time to turn him against me? I need to know what is being said, where his mind is. If he is in a strong place or a weak one.

5:24 AM. I take the exit for her home and kick myself for not instantly recognizing the address the moment it had been announced by the helpful customer service representative with the mandatory British accent. Brant and I have driven by her home so often that I know it by sight, not address. Still. I bite my lip and try to organize my thoughts. Soon, I will see Brant. He is safe, not lost. His mind is intact if he is at Jillian’s. I need to talk to him. Without him, I am lost.

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