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+time Skip to school+

I walk into college and get greeted By yoongi

"Sup man How ya doin?"
Hè says giving me a fist bump

"Im Alright, Hey we got english first did you make Homework?"
I ask him

"N-No..? Did we have Homework"
Yoongi sarcasticly gasped

"You're such a mess yoongs"
I laugh and slap the back of His head

"Dont lie you didnt make it either."
He starts walking to class

"Did I say I did?"
I smirk and follow him

I enter the class and see jungkook Sitting there talking to jimin,
Yoongi taps on my shoulder and points at jungkook.

"Lets play a lil" yoongi says and laughs

I refuse "Not today" I Whisper to yoongi

"Ugh you No fun" yoongi says rolling His eyes

Third person pov

The principal Came into the classroom, everyone runs to their places and pays attention,

"Hello beautiful childeren, Im here to make an announcement"
She smiles angelic

Everyone nods

"Your old teacher miss chyu, is pregnant!"
She starts clapping and everyone was suprised and started clapping too

"So...for the few months heres your new english teacher! Mister Kim!"

A tall And handsome man walks in
Hè had Long Brown hair and dimpels.

Jungkook pov

My mouth fel open....isnt that. Namjoon?!
I look At jimin and hè seems suprised too.

"Did you know this?!" I Whisper shout

"Obviously not!" Hè whispers back

"Gentelman on the back! Pay attention"
The principal clicks with her fingers

We stay silent and see that also "mister kim" is paying attention to us,

"S-sorry ma'am" we nod

I look at taehyung Who sits on the left side in front of me, hè is staring at me.

I gulp and look away

Taehyung pov

"Whats up with them...?"Taehyung pov

I look away from them and focuse on the teacher again,

"Have fun on your first day mister kim"
The principal smiles and leaves

Mister kim looks inside His book and see something

"I see you Guys had Homework, ill Come at Every table to collect it"
Hè says and starts walking

"Fuck" I Whisper and look over to yoongi
Hè just shrugs, it didnt seem like hè cared,

Hè was Finally at my table
"Sorry mister kim I couldnt make it"
I apologize

"And why couldn't you?"
He asks and raises an eyebrow

"I was busy making Homework for other subjects" I look at the ground, ofcourse I was lying

||Just a dare||                                                      #wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now