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Betty's POV

Everyone slowly started leaving Pop's until It was only Jughead and I. "Well, i should probably go home, it's getting late." I say. "I can walk you home." He says. I smile and nod.

We were walking in a comfortable silence. I turn to him. "You didn't have to walk me home." I say. He looks at me. "But I wanted to walk you home." He says with a smirk. "You can drop me off here." I say. "Why, your street is two blocks away?" He asks. "I don't want you to get hurt." I mumble under my breath. "Why would I get hurt?" He says. Why does he have good hearing, ughh. "Hal, he abuses us." I spit out. I then take a minute to realize what I just said. "He's going to kill me." I say crying now. "Is Hal your dad?" He asks. I nod and he pulls me into a hug. "I'm sorry." He says lulling away from the hug. "For what?" I ask with tears falling down my face. "For everything that you have been through." He says and pulls me into another hug. I hug him tighter. For some reason with him, I feel safe and I just met him. "How about I walk you another block." He says. I nod.

He drops me off on the next block and I hug him. "Thank you." I say. "For what?" He asks. "You make me feel safe, I really needed a hug." I say. He hugs me again. "I could see the hurt in your eyes and I noticed the bruises." He says. "I'll tell you the story some time." I say. "Okay, do you wants to go to Pop's tomorrow?" He asks. I smile. "Like a date?" I ask. His face becomes red. "Uhh...y-yeah." he says. "Sure, what time?" I ask. "Noon?" He asks. I nod and kiss his cheek. "Bye Jug!" I say with excitement. "Bye." He says.

I go into the house quietly. "Where were you!" Hal yells. "Out with friends." I say. "You have friends?" He asks. I nod. "They're just pretending, no one wants you!" He yells. I try to hold back my tears. If I cry he will beat me up. "I'm sorry " I cry. He starts punching me. "I don't want your dumb apologies!" He yells. "They're not even true, you just say them anyways!" He yells again. He punches me in the face non-stop. I tried to fight the darkness. I punched him in the face and ran out the door with all the strength I had. I ended up at some bar. "Someone help her!" A girl says as everything goes black.

A/N I actually thought of ideas for this, wow. Hope you like this! Bye!

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