clingy - rye

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So this is another Rye one, randomly chosen by a friend of mine on the way home from school :)

- Enjoy xx

Your POV

I have a problem. My problem is quite alarming to me and I dread this moment every month but this time I'm dreading it even more. This problem is more commonly known as a period.

Now you may be thinking, oh come on every female gets those! But there's a twist in the tale. Every time I get my period I get ill. And I don't mean a little bit of cramp I mean dizziness, headaches, stomach pains so bad that I constantly feel like I'm being stabbed in the stomach, vomiting (on the worst occasions) and a whole lot of crying to go along with it all. Now to top all of this off, this constant trauma means that I am extremely clingy and having someone there helps tremendously when I'm sobbing into the bedsheets after another wave of nausea sweeps through me.

Last night I had stayed at the boys house. The boys and I had been friends since forever and I had watched them grow so much as a band and I couldn't be prouder. Andy was my first ever internet best friend and the day we met was the greatest day of my life and I wouldn't swap him for the world. However, on the day that Andy introduced me to Rye I knew that I would never be the same again.


"Andy!" I squealed excitedly, hugging him tightly. Although this was my 10 millionth time hugging him, I would never get tired of it. He was my best friend after all.

"I have someone to introduce you to today!" he exclaimed, mainly excitedly but with a nervous undertone. "He's the second member of my new band, you remember the one I told you about?" he continued.

"Yes of course! I can't wait to meet him. Any friend of Andy's is a friend of mine!" I replied, grabbing his shoulders in anticipation.

"Great let's go," he finished, dragging me along with him. He pulled me into the door of number 64 and shouted the name of who, I presume, he wanted me to meet.

"Rye! She's here! Remember the girl I was telling you about?" he called into the depths of the flat.

We were met by a few seconds of silence and then:

"I'll be there in a sec And, just give me a minute to find a shirt," a deep voice called back with, what sounded like, a twinge of Somerset in his accent.

Suddenly light footsteps padded through the house and I was greeted by the most gorgeous boy I had ever seen. He was quite tall and extremely well built; even under his clothes I could tell he was muscular. He had tanned skin, deep brown eyes and fluffy hair that flopped over his forehead in the perfect way although it seemed as if it needed a trim because every few seconds he flicked it out of the way of his eyes. He was absolutely breathtaking and I couldn't seem to look away.

Suddenly a cough interrupted the silence and I glanced away, blushing a deep shade of red at being caught staring.

After an awkward introduction and a slightly stiff side hug from Rye, Andy and I left the flat to carry on with our day. Within 5 seconds he had pounced on me with questions about Rye.

"So what did you think? Do you like him? Is he attractive to you?"

"Woah woah slow down Fowler, we just met..." I began hesitantly,

"Oh shut up, I saw the way you were looking at each other, you were totally in love with him," he replied, cutting me off completely.

"Okay fine you want the truth?" I said, Andy only gesturing for me to continue in response. "I thought he was the most breathtaking person I've ever seen," I admitted, glancing embarrassedly at my shoes, my face turning red yet again.

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