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AN: btw, ur in science class, 4th period, and he sits across from you

He came in the classroom and sat down in your seat. Your teacher announced that they will be a pop quiz today and you have 5-10 minutes to study on your chrome book. As you were typing on your Chromebook, Y/C/N puts his hand out on each side of your chromebook. You looked at him confusingly and he said "just do it". "Do what?" You said cluelessly. "Just hold my hands". "Why?" You were nervous. "Just do it". You slowly put your hands out and he grabs them softly.

He takes a deep breath and looks into your eyes and says "I know you like me, and I don't care". You're scared and sad and angry and work up the courage to look him straight in the eyes and say. "Maybe I do, a little...but so what? Im not gonna hit on you or anything so you have nothing to worry about" you calmly snapped back letting go of his hands and continuing to type on your chromebook. You could see slightly that he's developing a smile. "Well... I kinda like you too". He said looking down at his feet smiling. You look at him confused. "Are you serious?"  "Yeah". You look at eachother again and he says "actually I was gonna ask you a question". "What is it?" You said quietly trying not to seem too excited.

"OKAY WERE GONNA START THE TEST" your teacher announced. You both looked down as she passed out the test. You put the dividers up but you could see him staring at you over the divider. You put the dividers away after the test(that u obvi nailed)and you grab your stuff and stand up, but he grabs your wrist and said "do you wanna maybe be my gf?". You look him deeply in the eyes and say "sure". He smiles at you, let's go of your wrist and says "I'll see you at lunch then?"  Again you look at him and say "sure". Then you both walk your separate ways to your lockers.

Okay that one was a lil better 😂. Comment what you thought. Suggestions are always open.
❤️ and remember the scariest moment is just before you start..the rest is easy.

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