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I was currently on my bed with my laptop on my stomach watching The Office. Honestly it was the only thing right now that was keeping me from loosing my mind.

I couldn't stop thinking about Ariana and what had happened yesterday. I was thinking about calling her but I'd rather not because every single time we've met this past week it goes very bad and gets extremely awkward.

I didn't know what to think or believe. Why was I feeling this way? Maybe it just means that Ariana and I are getting really close and are becoming good friends. Yeah, maybe my feelings are just platonic. Yes that's what it is.

Anyways I wanted to call her and talk to her really bad but I just wouldn't know what to say. Maybe I should apologize for leaving so abruptly and probably making her feel bad. I kept thinking and thinking about what I should do. I was overthinking shit.

I decided to get dressed and head to her house without telling her. Showing up and apologizing sounds like a good idea.


I took a shower and put on some casual clothes since I was just going to her house. Before heading to her house I went to Starbucks to get myself an iced coffee and Ariana an iced tea since that's what she likes to drink.

As I was driving to her house and getting closer to my destination, I started to get nervous and my hands started to sweat.

What the fuck? Why am I nervous? It's just Ariana.

Shit maybe I should have asked first. What if she doesn't want me here? What is she's mad at me? I started to overthink again.

Fuck it.

I got off my car and headed towards the front door to ring the doorbell. As I was standing outside her door, I kept hearing multiple voices, like she had a group of friends in there. Shit. This is so embarrassing. I come here and intrude her and her friends gathering without even asking. How pathetic.

I was about to turn around and head to my car when the dogs started barking at the door signaling that someone was outside her door.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

I just stood here like a fucking idiot waiting till someone opened the door.

After a while someone opened the door for me. And was I fucking surprised to see who it was.

It was her ex Ricky. What in the fucking he-

"Hey," he said suddenly interrupting my inner thoughts. He was looking at me like I was some sort of creep just standing outside her house.

I probably looked like an idiot just standing there and awkwardly holding two Starbucks drinks. Why did I come? And why was he here?

"Uh hey," I awkwardly greeted him, "is Ariana here?"

"Yeah. Do you wanna talk to her?" He asked me.

No shit Sherlock. Why else would I ask.

"Yeah." I responded back.

"Ok lemme go get her for you." He said.

So I've never really met Ricky in person before. I've seen him in pictures and videos but that's it. I remember Ariana telling me about how he was an asshole and a straight up fuck boy. Which is the reason why he doesn't really have a good first impression on me. So as of now I don't like this dude for being an asshole to Ariana.

And now he was here in her house doing what exactly? I started to feel something in the pit of my stomach. Like anger. Which I obviously ignored.

Anyways after what felt like eternity. I saw Ariana coming my way. She looked fucking amazing. She was wearing a simple oversized sweatshirt with her signature thigh high boots. How is it possible for someone to look that good? She was just effortlessly beautiful.

I was just gawking at her when she interrupted my staring all of a sudden.

"Hey." She said while she smiled at me.

"Hey," I replied with the same word. What an idiot.

She started to giggle at my silence.

My stomach was doing somersaults.

"I uh- well- I got you coffee- I mean tea." I awkwardly stuttered out, which came out more like a question than a statement.

She smiled at me.

"Thank you." She genuinely said.

I handed her the drink while looking down at my feet. This is way more awkward and weird than what I imagined it to be.

"Look I'm sorry about last night," I suddenly said, "it was very shitty of me to just leave you like that, I was just not having a good day." I explained to her, not really saying the truth.

"It's ok Y/N. You don't have to explain yourself, I get you, trust me I really do. I have really bad days myself as well." She softly confessed giving me a sad smile.

I sighed.

"What's going on?" I suddenly changed the topic while trying to look inside her house.

"Oh that. I invited the twins, Doug, Courtney, Alexa, and Victoria over just to hang out since I was feeling really down today. And I didn't wanna bother you." She said.

Making me feel kinda jealous that she didn't invite me when she knows I love these people a lot. But then why was Ricky here? She didn't mention him.

"What about Ricky? I didn't know you guys were on good terms." I said trying not to sound jealous or angry.

"Oh yeah. Brian invited him over since they haven't seen each other in a long time. Besides I don't want any petty tea with anyone so I let him stay. We're on good terms now." She explained.

"Oh cool." I said.

Silence took over again. And then it was awkward once again.

I was just standing there staring at her. Thinking about why these days I've been feeling really weird around her.

"Do you wanna come in?" She asked me, breaking the silence.

"Oh no no I'm good. I don't wanna intrude." I said while holding my hand up.

"You'd never be a bother Y/N." She softly told me with a small smile.

My heart started to beat faster. Shit.

"That's sweet Ariana but I was not invited. I'd feel uncomfortable just showing up. Besides I need to run some errands." I explained to her without sounding rude.

"I mean I'm inviting you now. Also you technically just did show up." She said trying to convince me to stay.

"Thanks Ari. But I gotta go, maybe tomorrow I'll come by." I said while smiling at her. I didn't really have to go I just didn't wanna stay because I knew it would be awkward as hell.

"Sure." She said while smiling back. I went in and gave her a small hug. She hugged me back.

"See you later A," I said while walking towards my car, "also, you look beautiful today." I told her because why the fuck not. It was the truth she was gorgeous.

She just couldn't stop smiling when I said that.
"Thank you!" She kinda yelled loudly since I was already pretty far from her and almost by my car.

I smiled and got in my car. Damn these butterflies just don't wanna leave huh.



so like I'm so sorry guys I haven't been updating this story or my other Ariana fic, "Love Story"

I've been crazy busy this past month. Also I haven't really been feeling "Love Story" lately.
You guys tell me if you want me to continue that story.

Other than that I will continue updating this book because honestly I like it. So stay tuned! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2019 ⏰

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