▫▪◻◼- C H A P T E R : 0 0 1 -◼◻▪▫

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A/n : hey guys im just gonna change the readers silency shes just too silent XF i know its the story plot but still itll be boring if she didnt talk at all so yeah this will be quite shocking of a change!

- C H A P T E R : 0 0 1-
(Part 2)

*Y/n's POV*

It was quite the pleasant day
weve spend all our time together in that one little room

Were we talked and chatted of mostly jokes, we were lost in our own world not realizing the time

Weve said our goodbyes together and go home as we and Yuki walked, we talked a little bit before arriving at last

Both of us bid together goodbyes as we await what will happen next time...


Saturday|m o r n i n g|


(A/n: i just read my stories and i asked myself why do i gotta be so extra)

*insert phones ringtone*

I woke up from the sound thats coming from my phone, i opened my phone which was a bad idea

My phones brightness burned my eyes, i squinted my eyes in order to see who is this person calling me

I looked at the name only to see my good ole friend Yuki was the one calling me

(A/n: why am I making this a poetry!??!)

"Goodmorning Y/n i hope i didnt disturbed you!" I heard Yuki said from the other side

"N-no its fine" I sleeply stated as I let out a little yawn

"Oh my you just woke up didnt you? I-im so s-sorry i jus- wanna inform you about something"

As i heard Yuki said those words it catched my full attention many thoughts flooded my mind on what it could possibly be

Hey Y/n? A-are you s-still there?

I heard Yuki stuttered, I blinked a few times before answer back to Yuki with a firm voice

Yes. I..am still here.

You more likely stated to Yuki as you were to curious about what this call is all about because Yuki doesnt really call you unless if he wants to or its an important matter

Well me and the g-guys actually uhm planned something for uh all of us! For....yeah uhm you! Moniko and MC planned a very special thing for you!

I was stunned by his words and also have lots of questions flowing inside my head, why were they holding a special thing for someone such as yourself?

Is this how it feels to be a new member? I mean i never really been to any club before except this one actually because i dont actually have guts to ask the club leaders by myself

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