Call to arms

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"Dear citizens of the new fallout, for to long our society has had the disease known as freedom. Wars, riots, we have tolerated the scum. Now it's time we take that freedom away"
You hear this over this over the radio in your car while driving down highway 66. You get stopped by a " Crow" the new head-leader henchmen. They grab you out of the car, you start kicking and biting to get free and you take off running.
"But no more, as of today you will be stripped from your identify & what ever you hold dear life. Since it was your individuality that lead to your destruction."
You see children and babies being ripped from their parents
." AY! (Y/n) wait!" Your turn around to see Andy one of your best friends running up to you coming from the highway too. You slow down enough for him to catch up and for you to catch your breath as well.
"Your children will be left to rot as part of your destruction & the lives you lived up until now will be nothing but a memory. This is for the new fallout. This is the end."
"This can't be happening not again. Not now." You say this in a whisper but Andy hears you and replies " Well it is, we need the rest of our group. Benn, Bradyn, and Hayden. They can help us you know not get caught." You agree and take off to your house that's only a mile away.
later -
" Benn are you still you?
If I answered the phone then yes dumbass!
How fast can you 3 get to my house?
Us 3? As in the Bradyn & Hayden? 5 minutes what's going on?
You don't watch the news?
We have a news channel?
New fallout. You know the drill.
On our way."
You hang up the phone.
" I am get supplies from up stairs."
You say to Andy but he's hunched over stitching some black cloths.
" ok"
" maybe ok will be our shut the fuck up?"
" shut up."
You chuckle and grab a your brothers' baseball just in-case. You start walking up stairs, but hear boots and whispers.
You hear the muffle sounds in the whispers.
" shit."
You yell to Andy
You grab your bag that had emergency clothes, supplies & chargers, your phone and the vest that your dad have given you before it happen.
You book it out the door just to slam into Benns chest. He saw the terror in your eyes and took off running too.
" ANDY! " he's behind you all but the crows are fast. Very fast none humanly fast.
You still have the baseball bat in your hand & you start swinging. But one of them grabs it and snaps it.
You yell to them and Benn grabs your hand and starts pulling you to run. While he tries fighting the one that almost got Andy. He gets them off & starts running with you. You luckily find a car with a full tank & keys on the ground.
" DRIVE!" Bradyn yells at Andy.
You guys take off tires screeching in the back noise. He takes the back road to the Old warehouse from the last fall out.
"Why here at the old warehouse?" Benn asks. "The only place safe I know & where we all left clothes in the box from high school."
" ok then let's go. Is the jeep still here?
I don't know it's been what a year since we all left this place?
Good point in am go around back. Hey (y/n) wanna come with?" Benn asked you.
" sure. Let's go see if she's still up and running too.
You two both start walking to the back to find her " Jenny". Benn named her that after his mom who he lost in the fallout.
" So new fallout. What do we do?" He asked you.
" I don't know...We fight again I guess.
I thought violence wasn't your thing?
It isn't but this is a new fallout. I'll fight for what I believe in and that's freedom.
Then let's kick ass then."
You both pull the tarp off of " jenny "
" Hey Benn... Where are the keys to her?
Shit. check the glove box"
You look in the glove box and yell back
" Found them."
You walk back around to the drivers side and open the door and start the engine.
" She needs gas." you yell at Benn. "I know I got the tank.
Oh ok "
He fills her up and you start the engine back up.
" I'll drive.
Yeah no she's my jeep now move.
Nope to late "
You start moving up a little bit
"Fine you can drive
Alright hurry up and get in"
He jumps into the passenger seat and you take off.
" Slow down! Damn you'll kill us before the Crows do
Sorry just you know upset still.
It cool but slow down."
He turns on the radio and all that comes on is the same announcement from the morning.
He changes it.
" It's on all the channels.
Well yeah dude it's the fallout there's no one left now."
You pull up the the warehouse and you both get out. As soon as you do Andy is standing there with a skull bandana around his mouth.
" We'll need them soon. We have a plan."
You all start walking towards the front door
" It's bad. We saw take some into the high school. Our old high school." Andy says to the both of you "And James was in the line with Brent.
(Y/N) calm down!
Calm down mine was too. We'll not younger but still brother was taken too. "
Benn grabs you into a hug. You keep fight back but just give into it.
Tears start rolling off your checks
" Feelings get you shit together now." You think to yourself while trying to stop crying.
" Let's go kick ass now. Andy what's the plan?
We get weapons and fight. We head to the high school and try to get as many people out. We are the Runaways. We will fight for our freedom back or we rather die for what we believe in then live a life without meaning."
" We will not back down we will not be afraid of the dark because we are the ghost in the shadows. we are the people they can't escape. We are the Runaways." Brayden walks up and says
" This is the end of the broken minds. We are the murder of empathy. " Hayden says
" We are more than just machines so let them hear our hearts. We're holding on to tomorrow. The day our flag will ascend. We are the voice of the hollow. We are the start of your end."
Benn says
"We are the runaways. Because all we are to anyone is that. If the sinners asleep how can rattle his cage? We were not born the enemy we will fight now for our freedom. "

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