Imagine/one shot 1: the farm *spoilers to 3x19*

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Imagine: you're teaming up with Betty and Toni to get into the farm and get your adoptive brother, Fangs, back to normal. You break in to take back Betty's niece Juniper and are trapped in a room full of farmies. Betty gets out and into her car in time but you don't get in the passenger side before they grab you.

"Betty hurry up. I think I heard someone." I said anxiously. Betty was busy wrapping up her niece Juniper so we could get her away from her insanely brainwashed mother and grandmother. I was watching the door with Toni to make sure no one came in in the middle of it.

I mentally cringed at the sight of Toni's all white ensemble.

"I'm coming y/n! I'm just trying to keep her as quiet as possible." She whispered across the room. "Ok let's go. Before they find us!" She said as we walked out of the room.

We began to rush down the hall before hearing someone at a door at the end. Toni ushered us into a room labeled "boiler room" and we obliged before quickly realizing what was happening.

Polly walked calmly up to Betty and took her daughter out of her arms as Toni spewed a bunch of crap about never having a family until she joined the farm. She's completely brainwashed.

Fangs and I were her family. So was SweetPea. Then again, Fangs was here... my poor big brother. They had trapped him in here early on, him now a couple with Kevin Keller.

Yeah, they're adorable and I totally would ship it but it's not real.

None of it is.

They bonded over a dead girl during the musical. That's all.

"Mom you can not marry Edgar! He's already married! To Evelyn!" Betty cried. "You think I don't know that?" Alice asked as she moved closer to Edgar and Evelyn. Gross. "There are no secrets at the farm." She added. Sure... I totally believe that.

"I-I don't understand..." I stuttered. "Why are you all smiling?!" Betty took the words right out of my mouth. "What is this about?!" We Yelled in union. "You." Evelyn said calmly.

Oh hell no.

"It's about getting you two to this crossroads." Alice said, my brother behind her nodding hauntingly at me. "Join us." Edgar said, taking a few steps closer. All of a sudden there was the eerie sound of voices chorusing behind him, all chanting the same thing, repeating Edgar's words with a haunting smile on their faces.

"Everyone you know, everyone in your life is here in this room. Join us. Betty, your mother is here. Your sister is here. Your best friend Kevin is here. Your principal is here! Cousin Cheryl is here. Be a sister to Polly. And be a godmother to Juniper." He then turned to face me. I crossed my arms stubbornly and stood as high as I could. No way in hell was I joining this nutcase village. "And you, y/n, your brother is here. Your best friends Toni and Cheryl are here. Your principal and classmates are here! Your boyfriend is here. Join us." He stared directly in my eyes as he spoke, as if trying to see my soul.

Again with the chorusing! It rang in my ears over and over like a song.

"Join us, Betty and y/n. We welcome you." The room unisoned. I took a step closer to Edgar, as if I was under a spell and I could see Betty doing the same thing. "Yes." He said with a nod.

I suddenly remembered watching helplessly as his wife/fake daughter 'joined' my brother and Kevin 'as one'.

No. I won't be anywhere near the people who did that to my brother. They used his grief for Midge against him.

I could tell a memory similar was running through Betty's head as well. As if we could see into each others minds, we ran a the same time.

I could faintly hear the sound of Edgar telling his disciples to catch us. They were running fast behind us, calling out our names.

We ran to the car and Betty got in the drivers. "Get in y/n!" She called. I reached for the door before I felt a hold on either of my arms. "Let go of me! Fangs let go!" I knew it was my brother. He was the strongest there. "Betty help!" I yelped.

I felt tears on my face. She had left me to be attacked. I was alone, stuck in my brothers brainwashed grip.

He carried me back to the farm headquarters and locked me in one of their bedrooms.

"Hello y/n. You're a Fogherty correct? Fangs' sister?" I heard Edgar ask. "If you know all you say you do, you probably already know I won't join you." I muttered. "Then I guess we'll have to take a little more time to convince you than the others. I'll leave you to rest." He said calmly before leaving the room and locking the door again. "Let me out you anti-vax, brainwashing psycho!" I screamed as I pounded on the door.

After a few hours of that, I fell to the ground weakly. I could see the sun rising out the small barred window of the room I was in. Just as I began to give up all hope, I heard the comforting sound of a motorcycle outside.

SweetPea. I thought.

He's converted to the farm too... maybe them holding me here will get him snapped out of it...

I could hear his voice moving through the hallway.

He's yelling. "Where is your sister Fangs?!" He yelled furiously. From what I could hear, my brother was ignoring him.

At least now I know what would snap him out of this psychotic places tricks.

"Where is y/n?! Where did you put her?!" I heard his yell again, this time accompanied by the sound of him pushing someone violently against a wall. Yep he's back!

"SweetPea!" I cried through the door. I banged furiously against the door, my knuckles turning white.

"Evernever, where the hell is my girlfriend?!" He shouted, hopefully at Evelyn. She's a lot more skittish than her husband/fake father.

"SweetPea, calm down. She's fine. She'll be a member by sundown. Please, rejoin us brother SweetPea." She replied calmly. "I won't take part in your crazy antics! Betty told me what you and your HUSBAND did to her and my girl last night! Where is she?" He yelled even louder.

I was now sobbing while pounding on the door. "SweetPea get me out of here!" I screamed, my voice becoming somewhat raw now. "Y/n!" He yelled in partial relief, clearly having finally found the door to 'my' room.

"Pea, it's locked. I'm trapped in here!" I cried. "Not for long you're not!" He yelled back.

A few minutes later, he had the door broken down.

He scooped my sobbing, uncontrollable mess of a person self off of the floor and cradled me in his arms as he ran, farmies fast at his tails. I'm surprised it took them that long.

"It's ok. They'll never keep us apart again. I promise." He whispered into my hair before putting me down to get onto his bike. He started the bike and we rode off to safety, no longer apart. My very own knight in a leather jacket and flannel...

Hey guys! Hope you liked the first one! They'll get better I promise!

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