the future awakes

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I woke up in my bed my dad and stepmom by my side and ask her what happens and i say i had a dreams of demons and..... I saw over without his wings and horn siting cross-legged and smiling. And he says its not a dream princess you name me and i am yours forever. Then i ask my dad what the hell. And he answer its a long story 20 years ago when i was on a vacation in the Philippines i explore a lot of their island when one day i got lost i wander off flowing a crying voice and then a laughter and went deeper in the forest i got lost but still follow the crying but when i approach it i was cut off by your mom your real mom and i never saw something more enchanting but she looked at me and says don't approach further that crying is a tyanak a  as you approach them thy will kill you so don't go near and threw a dark ball from her finger and a explosion she says to me don't worry i just fire a warning shot and smile at me days pass we fell i fall for her so i stay with her. And you came around. until you wher 3 moths old. And he stops. i says what happen dad he fell down then over stand up grab me and drag me at the flame. and says welcome to hell my princess. i say take me back may dad. he answer sorry princess but your safety is my priority. safety? what happen to my dad he answer by snapping his finger  a flame  burn and turn in to a mirror and i saw my dad fighting a dark prescience. i ask over what is that? he answer its another demon your dad can handle it  his "powerful" yes thats the word a powerful human he can take it no problem. what the hell is happening demons power and wher in the hell are we?? yhe thats it we are in hell the inner most circle to be specific. ill call your mom. he spawn his wings and fly leaving me then i feel a chill and a silent voice saying welcome princess as i look its a girl in a dress a young girl who is looking down  and pointed at my back so i look and a big mansion rose from the ground and she say the masser what me to take care of you/

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2019 ⏰

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