Prompt: I'll Meet You There
"I can't believe you're wearing your jacket in this heat," Rinoa said as she tossed her socks and shoes carelessly onto the dock. Even those were making her melt; the sight of Squall in his leather jacket with feathered trim was enough to make her feel faint.
"...Whatever," Squall said. Much to Rinoa's surprise, with his shrug came the jacket falling down his arms. He looked at her messy pile of shoes and socks, tossed the jacket just as carelessly, and also removed his footwear.
Rinoa smiled as he sat next to her and placed his bare feet into the cold salt water. "Isn't that better?" she asked, and laughed when she was met with another shrug. "Summer's the best. Paopu fruit ice cream, the boats on the water, the salty smell of the ocean in the air..." She smiled, then closed her eyes and inhaled that sweet scent slowly.
"Zell, honestly!" Quistis called behind them, leaning down to pull up the line he'd been trying to reel in. "Back to the Training Center with you if THIS took you five minutes to catch!" She held up the hook with the aluminum can at the end for all to see.
"Nice goin', Zell!" Selphie said with a laugh as she spun around with Irvine's hat on. Irvine couldn't turn to look at them; he was using the coat draped over his shoulder to hide how hard he was laughing.
Zell stood, quickly looking between all his comrades with a look of shock and betrayal. "Oh come ON! It must have got stuck on the bottom or something!" For all the running around and punching at the air he did, he did seem rather winded for pulling up nothing but a can."Two hours in training for you," Quistis said. Her tone told them all she was serious, and everyone was too awestruck and scared to say anything in response.
Squall sighed. "Come on, Zell," he said, standing up and collecting his jacket and boots. "I'll go with you."
Rinoa nearly protested. Why did Squall have to train *now* when they were finally getting a chance to spend some time together? But one look at Zell told her everything she needed, and her heart felt as warm as the air around her. Zell went from utterly disappointed and upset at himself, to excited and relieved that his friend was joining him.
"Oh YEAH!" Zell said. "Thanks man, I really owe ya one. Hot dogs on me later?"
Squall's lip quirked up in that small smile he did sometimes. "I'll take a raincheck on that." He leaned closer to Rinoa. "...maybe afterward we can get some of that paopu fruit ice cream..." he mumbled with a blush. "It sounded good."
Rinoa smiled widely. "Yeah! That sounds really great, Squall. Good luck with your training. The place is just around the corner from here, called Namine's. I'll meet you there."
100 Final Fantasy VIII Stories
Фанфик100 Final Fantasy VIII "drabbles" (though I won't be restricting them to 100 words) and short stories based on a list of themes found here: