Chapter 6

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Three Years Ago

"You think we're going to let you keep those kids?" his patience was withering, I could tell, and I reveled in his every reaction.

"They're just like me, they've lost everything, but I'm their can't take them knowing that they could be with someone who loves them like I do, that's..just not fair." my pitiful sobs break through, I made no effort to cover my tears, and if I could've I would've wiped them on his skin.

"Will you be a good mother."

"I won't ever stop trying,"

"Fine. We'll have someone check you out first, then you'll be assigned a worker. You better not be lying to me Carney."

Present time

Puppy or lover, Keaton was an epidemic in my life only three weeks into the new year, three full dates and four piano lessons later, even Journey had begun to cease her rage, long enough to let his feeble jokes work a giggle out of her.

"Do you have plans with Keaton this week?"

"Is Keaton your boy fiend?"

"It's pronounced: boy-friend kitten and no, he is not my boyfriend, and no because Arthur is coming this week remember?"

"Who's Arthur mom?" Theo takes a seat at the dining table as I set the last plate down.

"Mr. Briles"

"Ohhh yeah, he gives us candy, he's nice-"

"Anyway, that's too bad. I invited him over for dinner..." Journey shuffles around in front of me, flashing her timidly rare apprehensive stare, arms tied behind her back.

"You invited Keaton over for dinner? When? Mr. Briles is coming tomorrow Journey."

"...tonight." a door knock rushes her to her feet, springing and claiming the guest waiting behind the closed door. I rush to grab a fourth plate set, and a glass to set at our four person dining table, anything more would've been a waste given our lack of guests.

"Mom! Look who's here!" Theo points at Keaton in the doorway of the dining room with his fork, standing with a squeamish smile and a small bouquet of flowers in his hand, his shoulders lift at an awkward shrug and his crooked head only makes me stand taller, overpowering him.

"Mhm, I see kitten, put your fork down it's not nice to point, Journey go wash your hands."

"Hi..t-these are for you. I'm sorry if you w-weren't expecting me. Journey told me you wanted me over for dinner last Thursday...I just got a little excited." time hasn't been a gentle caress on our interactions, and Keaton hasn't grown any less tense before me. His soft spoken words and quivering hands, the soft shaven skin on his cheek that I kiss at every greeting and goodbye.

"It's okay, I'm glad you're here, let me take these to the kitchen, take a seat!" I catch Journey's arm on the way out the kitchen door, I hook her arm through mine and drag her back with me, letting the swing door slam shut behind us, her solid cast nearly faltering.

"Why on earth would you tell him that I wanted him here? And grab me a vase for these flowers." she rolls her eyes, exhaling loudly, dramatically and at the edge of my patience, handing me the vase, now full of water.

"Because you've been dating for like a month now, I mean it's about time he met the fam, come on. Besides it's literally obvious he's in love with you, who are you to tell me what I can and can't do. I'm helping you out!" I take the flowers out of their plastic wrapping, trim them and set them in the water, admiring the open petals and wishing for spring to roll around the corner, spring flowers are already calling my name.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2019 ⏰

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