The Chase

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There’s this cliche: As long as you’re a rich white man, you’ll be happy.

Well, here’s the thing, that’s complete and utter bullshit. Everything, and everyone, that brought me to my so called “success” led to my ultimate downfall. Ultimate downfall you say? Evidently, yes, seeing that I am writing this from my jail cell. 

 Before I get ahead of myself, I need to introduce myself. Richard Chase. Now i'm known as the quiet fellow sitting in cell 213846-B. A few months ago, everyone knew who Richard Chase was. Now, even comparing myself to who I used to be is preposterous. 

February 3rd, 2001. 

"Honey wake up, you're going to be late for work," my wife whined as she continuously nudged me with her elbow. Slowly opening my eyes, I let out an exhausted exhale. With a load groan, I turned around and averted my eyes to her. Damn, she was something I tell you. 5'3, short little lady, but she was my lady. She flushed at my gaze, causing her glistening blue eyes to twinkle every so slightly. I pulled a strand of her brown hair behind her ear and pulled her ear over to me, "Amanda, baby, you make waking up worthwhile," I told her before proceeding to nibble down on her ear. 

I didn't allow myself to get carried away, it was too close to elections, and I had my hands full with work. "I'm sorry babe, I wish I could stay," I sighed to my wife on my way out.

"You're lucky I love you, future governor," she winked at me. I swooned. 5 years of marriage and that woman still has me wrapped around her finger. My wife and our beautiful son meant the world to me.

Walking out to the driveway, I took a moment to relish the beautiful morning. The air was cool and crisp, hinting the beginning of autumn. My shoes were damp from the freshly shaven grass, and the smell of dew was re freshening. It didn't take too long for my phone to interrupt my moment of solitude. Grabbing my blackberry out of my pocket, I quickly identified it as a work call. I sighed and rushed into my BMW, while simultaneously adjusting my Bluetooth head-seat. A working man's gotta do what a working man's gotta do.

"Chase, top of the morning to you!" my co-worker Will exclaimed from the end of the other line. Ah, those brits. "Good morning buddy, how's it going?" I asked. 

"Great - listen, I need to ask you for a favor.." Will began asking me, in a shaky tone.

I clenched my jaw together. "You better not be walking out on me a week before elections, or I swear i'll deport you back to England!" I halfheartedly joked. 

"No, no, Of course not," Will exclaimed, "I just really need the whole day off. I know it's a really busy day for you and all, late night interview, I hope you can understand."

"Well, I do have to admit, I don't know how i'll survive a day without my best partner," I proclaimed "But I guess it won't kill me." Boy was I wrong.

"Thanks man , I owe you one! Don't worry, you've got them in the palm of your hand!" he exclaimed before hanging up. Before I pulled up into my work building I got a funny feeling. I shook it off and perfected my parking spot. Thankfully, parking was never a headache with designated spots. 

Walking into the office, all eyes were naturally on me. I heard a couple of working calling my name out and multiple phones ringing simultaneously. In the middle of all the ruckus, I saw a familiar face quickly making its way towards me. That familiar face was my assistant Nina. I swear, Nina was my guardian angel. She kept everything at work together.

"Coffee, sugar, no cream?" She hinted while shoving the hot, plastic, cup in my hand. I smirked and followed her down the corridor of offices to mine. "We've got a busy day ahead of us sir, lots of missed calls," she began explaining. My eyes widened as I saw the stack of paperwork on my desk. Noticing my concern, she consoled me and told me that my interview tonight would be postponed. My eyes immediately lit up with joy. "You mean i'm off early tonight?" I exclaimed.

"I guess so," she winked at me while walking off.

I was convinced that everything was going perfect that day. My son was only coming back from his school field trip the day after, which meant I would have my wife all to myself. Finally, after a month of not having her to myself at night. I would finally get to make love to my beautiful wife again. This past month the only thing that kept me going was the yearn for her touch. My desire to be with her again. Tonight was the night, and I was going to surprise my beautiful wife.

The day seemed to rush by, and before I knew it, it was five in the afternoon. I dialed Nina's line on my phone and let her know I was leaving. An hour early, yes, but today was of uttermost importance. Walking out of the office turned into skipping, and I felt like I was walking on sunshine.

I picked up a pair of flowers quickly from the florist down the street and literally sped on the way home. At the time it seemed like a smart idea. It was a really stupid move to speed, being a politician and all, but I could care less at the moment. All I could care was to get home to my beautiful wife.

To accentuate the effect of surprise, I parked my car across the street so she wouldn't see me pull in. I was so happy to be home early, I failed to get a second look at the stranger's car parked in our driveway. If I had taken a second look, I would have realized it was no stranger.

Quietly opening the door, I tiptoed to our bedroom and creaked open the door.

Only the door was already partly open. I stopped for a second and heard muffled breaths and moans. I looked down to the ground, and was horrified to see a familiar red bra on the floor. The same red bra my wife wore for our second anniversary. Feeling myself choke up, I proceeded to slam the door open. There's no nice way to describe what I saw, and no reason to get descriptive, so i'll sum it up. What was going on in my bedroom? Oh, not much, except my wife and Will. Did I mention my wife was fucking Will?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2014 ⏰

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