Chapter 3: The Conclusion

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Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars. -Khalil Gibran

Gisella's pov

"I didn't push her," I yelled, crying.

"You're just too much." from the door, Pietro ran down to where Viola was lying ass-Flat on the floor. Everyone was staring in shock. Pietro helped Viola up, my mamma's hand clenched in anger.

"I...I...I didn't push her." I repeat, crying. But I stopped crying when I heard my name from a familiar accent.

"Gisella Molinero..." I turned around, and so did every eye in the room;

It was Signore Nicolo Caruso. He walked closer to me with a walking stick in his hand, and a lady wearing a maid outfit supported him. He got to where I was and walked past me again.

I was so capable, but now I've become different because of what has happened, although I know deep inside me that I've been framed and forced, and no matter what, I will seek justice for myself and my family.

"Come with me," he gestures calmly with his walking stick and the maid directing him. The helper smiled and motioned to me with her hand to follow them. I turned to look at my mamma and the others with confusing faces, then my mamma and papà nodded in approval.

"Bu-but... Signore what happened last night was Piet-" I paused as Viola and Pietro smirk at me. It made me so thwarted how Pietro held Viola closer to his body.

"Okay, I will go with you." a grasp lets Signora. Caterina Mouth as I followed him.


A black Benz was parked outside the hotel, and Signore Nicolo was already sitting inside as the driver stood by the door and gestured me to go in. "Signorina Molinero, please," he said smiling.

with a worried face. "I'm Sorry, I would like to walk home myself." I object.

"Get in!" A familiar accent inquires, "Things between us haven't been settled yet." he added calmly. I sighed and entered as told.

The driver started the car. I sat at the back closer to Signore Nicolo because the driver and the maid had occupied the fronts seats. Signore  Nicolo looked at a particular place without blinking his eyes;

I took a deep breath and rested my hand on my lap. His soft emerald eyes, killer jawline, and perfect dark coffee brown hair messed up in a bedhead style while still looking simple, just like an angel sent from heaven.

Sitting calmly, I noticed he twisted his eyebrow and turned his head looking at the glass. Quickly I rearranged my shirt feeling nervous, forgetting for a second that he was blind. How could someone look so fine? he isn't anything like what I had imagined him to look like. Where is the unshaved face, dirty tanned skin, beards, short legs, groveling ugly eyes, and unshaved underarm?

"Stop staring at me." turning around to the window, I look at him in surprise.

"Um, excuse me, Signore?" I furrow my confused brow at how he caught me staring at him. I taught that he was supposed to be blind, right?.

"Are you deaf? I thought I told you to stop staring at me." he winces like a child with his Italian accent, making it odder.

Did he call me deaf? How on earth did he know that I was looking at him? He's fucking blind for chrissake. Still trying to remain polite, I smile kindly and not like I wanted to boil him alive with my anger.

"Signore, I wasn't looking at you." feeling more stupid and insulted, I glare at him while his small plump lips curl into a frown showing a little of his jawline.

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