Angel Island

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We see the three brothers racing each other throughout the island. Knuckles is sitting on his pedestal, watching the Master Emerald, and though he's supposed to be guarding it, it looks like he's asleep. Well, he was until Sonic, a blue hedgehog with emerald green eyes, sped past him. "Hey!" yelped Knuckles, falling off the pedestal. Sonic skidded to a stop. "Sorry, knux, I didn't see you there!" he said, smirking. "Aren't you supposed to be watching the emerald instead of sleeping?" Knuckles glared at him and dusted himself off. "Well, I like to take a nap once in a while." Just then, Shadow and Silver sped up to them. Shadow is a black hedgehog with red striped quills and red eyes, and Silver is a silvery white hedgehog with golden yellow eyes. "Hey, Faker, why'd you stop running?" Shadow taunted. "Am I too fast for you?" Sonic grinned at the two. "Really, Shadz, we all know who's the fastest. Me." Shadow smirked. "Oh, you're on." The two sped off towards the field, leaving Silver and Knuckles in the dust. Knuckles face palmed, and Silver grinned. "That's Sonic for you. Always trying to prove that he's the fastest." Knuckles smirked. "Not that he needs to. Shadow already knows Sonics faster." Silver looked at Knuckles. "Since Shadz is the oldest, he probably doesn't want to admit that someone younger is faster then him." Silver smiled at Knuckles. "I'll see you later," he said, and he sped off in the direction of his brothers. Knuckles sighed and shook his head. "One day, I will get Sonic back for this, but for now, back to my nap. He sat down on his pedestal and fell asleep again.

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