9: Misunderstanding

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Stanjah crossed her arms. "Ellis Ann, you should not be out and about. How did you find your way here—and where is your Elos?"

"She'll be back soon," I said.

"Hey you!" Martin slid out of the covers and stood up. "Why'd you have me sedated?"

"Sedation was a necessary precaution at the time," Stanjah said coldly.

Martin took a step closer to Stanjah. "Why wouldn't you tell me where Ell was when I asked you?"

"No one is supposed to know where she is or have that kind of information, for safety reasons."

"Martin would never hurt me," I interjected.

"I didn't say he would. There are others who wish to, which is why we must take precautionary steps to ensure your safety, Ellis Ann. As a matter of fact, you aren't supposed to be here. You are supposed to be under observation at all times."

"We're not your prisoners." Martin jutted his chin out.

"Of course you aren't prisoners," she hooted, as if offended by the notion.

"What do you want from us anyway?"

"We don't want anything from you, just Ellis Ann." Her almond shaped eyes locked on to me for a second then flitted back to Martin. "It's truly unfortunate that you were dragged into this."

"What's even more unfortunate is that my little sister got dragged into this," Martin said in almost a growl.

"Martin, we will do our best to recover your sister. Ellis Ann, did you speak to anyone on your way here?"

"There isn't anyone around."

"Have you spoken to any soldiers while making your way to Martin's room?"

"Just briefly so I could get in here. Why?"

"Do they know who you are?" She looked sternly at me.

"Why is it such a big deal?"

"Do they?"

"Yeah, I mentioned that I was Selena..."

Stanjah grabbed my arm firmly. "From this moment onwards, you are never to mention to anyone that you are Sye-Liene Anmyn. Not until our arrival in Ien. Is that understood?" I glared at her and refused to answer. She continued. "People's lives are at stake, including your own. I will not be held responsible for any of the innocent lives that may be lost, including your friend, if you make that mistake again."

I swallowed the lump in my throat. "Lives?"

"You're threatening her?" Martin spat. "Who the hell do you think you are?"

Stanjah didn't answer Martin. She was completely fixated on me and it was as if I could feel the gravity of her intent. Her eyes penetrated mine, and something about her intensifying stare burned me inside.

The room seemed to dim and a deep sinking feeling struck me at the pit of my stomach. A sudden realization.

This is very serious.

I was the first to break eye contact.

"Stanjah," said Keiran by the door with Elossai standing beside him. "Is everything alright?"

Stanjah released her grip on my arm and allowed her hands to casually fall to her side. "I was just informing Ellis Ann about the seriousness of mentioning the name of Sye-Liene Anmyn to anyone." She emanated smugness.

Keiran looked shocked—not at Stanjah's self-righteousness, but at the statement. Was it really that big of a deal? What was so wrong with mentioning that name? "It's important that it doesn't happen again," Keiran said. "The name holds a lot of power, and right now it needs to be protected so that you remain safe." He turned to Elossai. "Why didn't you stop her?"

Elossai looked down at the stone floor, ashamed. I didn't want Elossai to take the blame. It seemed like she was always being scolded.

"Look, it was my idea. I didn't mean any harm," I said. "I just wanted to make sure Martin was alright."

"It's fine, Ellis. You weren't informed." Keiran then turned to face Martin. His hands hung at his sides. "Martin, I apologize on behalf of Stanjah for the way you were treated. You were brought into this situation unwillingly and I assure you nothing of that sort will happen again. Any friend of Ellis' is a friend of mine."

"It's all right, man," said Martin.

Stanjah bowed to Martin. "My sincerest apologies for the terrible misunderstanding."

"It wasn't clearly communicated that you were a friend. The symptoms of fatigue from Ora travel are powerful, even for us. Had I not suffered its effects, I would have ensured that your treatment would be as a friend. Stanjah will be sure to inform me if such actions are to be made in the future," Keiran said. It wasn't a statement; it was a direct order for Stanjah to obey. Keiran continued, "Since we're all here, we may as well discuss our travels to Ien."

"Where's that?" Martin asked.

"Ien city is the closest civilized town to Possen Fort, where we are now. The capital of our country is Incus," Keiran explained.

"Incus is the greatest city in all of Eloria. It's home to Dunek Anmus of the Ankins," Stanjah said proudly.

"Um, what exactly does Anmus mean?"

"It means of royal lineage," Keiran replied.

"Royalty? Does this mean..." Martin turned to Keiran, and said, "that you're related to Dunek?"

"He is my father," he replied.

My mouth fell open. "You're a prince?"

He smiled. "I am."

"So that's why no one ever calls you Keiran," I blurted. Embarrassed that I let my thoughts slip, I cupped my hand over my mouth.

"You have my permission to call me Keiran—just avoid doing so in front of strangers."

"I have a question," Martin asked. "Why are we going to Ien instead of trying to find Katie? With all due respect, Keiran Anmus, I don't know what your agenda is, but my number one goal—my only goal—is to find my sister."

That's what I like about Martin, he just lays it all out there without beating around the bush.

"We need much more powerful equipment to locate your sister. Equipment that can't be found here at Possen Fort," Keiran said.

"Neither is this fort strong enough to withstand a heavy attack. We have to leave before we're discovered by enemies," Stanjah added.

I shook my head. "Discovered? Could someone please tell me why the world is out to get me?"

"My dear," Stanjah began, "You are the key to everything. Perhaps it's time to shed some light on why you're really here."

Lost Identity: Eloria Series Book 1 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now