💕My Real princess💕

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My beautiful princess
Im so honest with you
That's because I love you

I love you with all my heart
No one can separate us apart
I can paint you with my art
That's because you have my heart

My Heart only beats on you
like the first time I saw you
I got so crazy and to lazy
And to clamsy just to see you

But you don't even know princess
That you are my weaknesses
I just want your kisses

I'm trying to ask myself
What was the name of this princess
Can I tell her to be my princess
and be her prince

I saw you every day
Trying to role my world
I don't know how

Now my princess knows my feelings can I be your prince now
So that soon you will be my queen
And I'm your king

I will love you princess
And I will always be love you
Till the day I die

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