Chapter 2- Part of the journey is the end

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             Clint stood with his daughter, his ankle bracelet on and his head up high. Laura, his daughter held a little bow made just for her in her hands.
             "Alright just aim up with your fingers," he said adjusting his daughter's form. "Now, you got to spread those feet out. Wanna know where your going." His daughter did just that. "All three fingers now." His daughter straightened up the bow.
             "CLINT!" his wife yelled. Clint turned to her.
             "Yeah babe!" He asked.
             "Mayo or mustard?!" Laura looked up.
             "Who eats mayo on a hotdog?" She asked. Clint chuckled lightly turning back to his wife, he held up two fingers.
             "Two mustard please!" He yelled. His daughter then fired the arrow, hitting a bullseye. "Nice job hawkeye, now go get your arrow." Laura did as told but just before she could grab it, she vanished leaving a cloud of ash behind. Clint turned back not noticing the cloud of ash looked for his daughter. "LAURA!?" He looked behind the tree and everywhere for her. "Babe? You alri-" No One answered as he looked around for his family. He ran towards the picinic table they had, whistling. "Boys, where you at? Boys?! BOYS?!"


           Tony and nebula sat at the table on the malano playing finger football with eachother. Tony flicked his at nebula, causing her to catch it.
           "You don't have to do that you know, you stay in that position." Tony demestrated to nebula as she tried desperately to score a goal on Tony. "That was close now, try it again." The two went back in forth for hours until Tony messed up causing nebula to look at him in shock. "Now see you have a shot to win." He got back into position. Nebula scored and Tony smiled. "And that's game, you won." Tony held his hand out to which nebula shook. "Now, was that fun?" He asked.
           "It was fun." She said.

2 hours later...

           "*sigh* Is this thing on?" Tony tapped his helmet, leaning up against Quill's chair in the malano. "Hey Miss Potts. I don't know if you'll ever get to hear this but, i just hoped i could do something like this for you. Fuel cells were damaged in battle, we figured out a way to reverse the nurons to give us 48 more hours of fly time, but, as of right now we're dead in the water. 30 lightyears away from the nearest 7-11. I should probably get some rest pretty soon. *sigh* rest my eyes a bit." Tony reached over and shut off the helmet, stopping the recording. Tony then layed down, arm stretched out and drifted off to sleep. Nebula walked in noticing Tony, helped him up and put him in the Captain's chair getting him comfortable. She walked away, sadness in her eyes. Tony layed there until a bright light came into view, causing tony to shuffle a bit. He then put his hand over his eyes until it became unbearable. He opened his eyes and gasped to see two figures floating in space causing the light. Both in matching outfits, looked at the old Stark. And for once in a long time, hope shined in Tony's eyes.

Boom!! Second chapter done! Spoiler alert for future chapters and for this one if you have yet to see The endgame! If you did! It was an amazing movie and i loved it! Hope you guys enjoyed, and i'll see you all starside guardians! Excelsior!!!

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