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Itachi's POV
Ann stared at me with a sad look, "Itachi, you have to believe--"

"Do you really think I would be fooled that easily?" I cut her off, swiftly stabbing her in the arm. She hissed a bit before biting her bottom lip.

"I-I'm not lying!" She screamed. "J-Just l-listen, would you?!"

She's getting weaker...

"Hn," I let out a small inaudible sigh before slowly reaching out my two fingers. "Let's see those memories of yours," I stated.

Just like that, my Tsukuyomi vanished and we were back to our original state. Since I was holding Ann, I could feel her trembling and shaking as she still looked up at me.

"I-Itachi--" that was the last thing I heard before she collapsed in my arms. Her heart was beating fast, way too fast, I could feel it through her pulse. It wasn't a good sign.

My hand traveled towards her forehead then underneath her neck. No good.

She has a fever.

"Itachi, so this is where you've been," mused a familiar voice as I heard them shuffle out of the trees. "I was looking for quite a while."

"Kisame," I straightened up and slowly turned around. This caused him to be able to see the now unconscious girl in my hands.

He had a look of confusion all over his face, "Isn't that.."

"Ann Yamada," I responded.

"Yes.." he inquired as he raised a brow. "I heard she died long ago."

He's right...

As I remember, she was coincidentally found in the woods, dead.

Or so we thought...

"Yes." I adjusted the girl in my arms, now carrying her over my shoulder. "I heard that too."

"For now, we'll take her to the base," I stated as I started walking forward.

I could hear a small chuckle from Kisame before he followed right behind me. "This is getting interesting," He inquired with a smirk.

Gaara's POV
I watched the village through the window of my office.

Everything seemed fine. No Akatsuki here...

"Kazekage-sama, no Akatsuki was found near the gates," a ninja reported as he entered the room.


He also held a small container in his hand that contained small particles of the chakra that held the wind barrier from earlier.

"We've also completed some tests, but we weren't able to find anything else aside from the fact that it was similar to your chakra," He stated.

"I see." I glanced at the container as he handed it over to me. "Interesting.."

After saying this, I heard a sudden chirping.

Oh right...

I almost forgot about this bird...

"U-um, Kazekage-sama, if you don't mind me asking.." the ninja continuously stared at the Blue Bird that sat on the desk. "But, what's that?" He questioned, a bit surprised when he saw the blood-written message.

I shrugged lightly. "I don't know. All I know is that its' what warned me about Akatsuki approaching," I said.

"B-but, there hasn't been any--" he was suddenly cut off by a loud yell from the outside.

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