Everything Has Changed

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"Jack... Jack... hurry up get the bag, it's happening now" Nikki says as she leans against the kitchen work surface waiting for her partner to come and collect her.

"Okay, I'm coming" Jack calls back as he rushes down the stairs with a small gym bag.

Jack walks into the kitchen and looks at Nikki with a sympathetic smile, "Hurry up, It's coming" Nikki cries in pain as she puts her hand under her rather large bump.

Jack places his hand on Nikki's back and grabs her hand, "Come on let's get you to the hospital" Jack smiles and kisses her forehead reassuringly.
"Remember your breathing" Jack smiles and strokes her hand as he helps her out to his car.

Nikki stops dead and grabs Jack's shoulders, she groans and leans into his chest, "Fuck!" She cries into his chest. Jack places his one hand on her lower back and gently rubs it for her.
Once the contraction has passed he helps her into his car before rushing back into the house and grabbing the small gym back and locking the doors before coming to Nikki in the car. "Hurry up, It's really coming!" Nikki panics as she clutches her stomach.

"Okay, but we're taking it easy," Jack says and pulls off the driveway, "Deep breaths Nikki, just like the woman at the clinic told you" He smiles and places his hand on her knee.

Within the next few hours, Nikki has been admitted to hospital, put under monitoring and observation of both herself and the baby and is making quick progress in labour for her first child. "...Ahhhh! This is your fucking fault!" Nikki screams and she grips Jack's hand as tightly as she can.

"How?" Jack chuckles.
"That's is Nicola, perfect... another big push like that!" The midwife smiles.

Jack kisses Nikki's forehead and watches her give it her all once again, "That's is Nik, keeping pushing, good girl!" Jack smiles completely stunned still by what Nikki is doing, even nine months later Jack is still stunned by how they had made another human being together and it was about to be brought into the world.

"Here we go, Nicola! the baby's head is almost head! this is amazing progress.... push, push, push!" The midwife says trying to keep Nikki going.

"Jack! I can't!" Nikki cries as she tries to move but the midwife holds her legs still.
"Nikki, love, look at me... I love you and you're doing an amazing job, our baby will be here soon" Jack smiles.

Nikki grabs Jack's top and pulls him closer, she screams into his face and grits her teeth, "You... I'm going to kill you! You got me bloody pregnant!" Nikki screams before falling silent.

She looks up at Jack confused, She watches Jack look at her and smiles, Soon they both her small cries and the midwife lifts the baby up, The midwife passes the baby up to Nikki who cries and shives against her, "Hello baby" Nikki says completely stunned by this tiny life in her arms.

Jack kisses Nikki's head and smiles as he catches Nikki start to cry as she dries their daughter off with a towel she has been handed. Nikki soon comes back to reality and lifts her baby up so she can see properly. "So what do we have?" The midwife smiles.

Nikki carefully moves the legs of the baby and smiles, "A Girl" Nikki beams teary-eyed up at Jack.
Jack kisses Nikki's head again and soon gets his phone out of his pocket and snaps a quick picture of their daughter and Nikki who doesn't know the photo is being taken.

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