My Girl

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The midwife brings the baby over to Nikki, all clean and wrapped up in many blankets with a small hat that Nikki had chosen herself which is part of her delivery set. "Right the Nicola, we shall get you cleaned up and settled with your daughter" The midwife smiles. 

"Have you done all the checks?" Jack questions as the checks seemed rather quick and rushed. 
"Yes I can assure you, Mr Hodgson, we have undertaken all the correct checks on your partner" the Midwife smiles as she leaves the room. 

Jack smiles and sits on the bed beside Nikki, "Hello beautiful" Jack smiles as he looks down at his daughter in Nikki's arms. 
"I can't believe that she is ours" Nikki coos and kisses her daughters head. 

"So now she is here what are we going to call her?" Jack smiles and strokes Nikki's shoulder. 
"I know exactly what I want to call her" Nikki replies. 

He raises an eyebrow and listens to her, "Okay come on spill" he replies. 
"Scarlett Alexander" Nikki smiles.

"Scarlett?... I like it" He smiles and kisses her head once more, "I am so proud of you, Niks" Jack speaks. 

They both share a kiss and Jack grabs his phone off the side and suggests a selfie, "No Jack, I look awful."
"Nik, you look amazing... stop putting yourself down... now smile" Jack smiles as he holds his phone up and takes a couple of photos of them with Scarlett. 

"Will you please stop taking photos of me please" Nikki laughs as she tries to hide her face. 
"This one is a video... now come on Nikki, smile... I want to send this to my dad of his new granddaughter" Jack explains. 

Nikki blushes and allows him to take one more photo before she snatches the phone off him and sits on it. "Now pay some bloody attention to your daughter Mr. Hodgson" Nikki laughs. 

Jack smiles and lifts Scarlett from her arms and cradles his newborn daughter, Nikki moves Jack's phone from under her leg and takes a photo of Jack with Scarlett. "She is just too perfect" Jack smiles as he stands up with Scarlett and walks her around the room quietly singing to her. 

"My perfect girls" Jack smiles as he moves his gaze from his daughter to Nikki.  "You okay?" noticing how quiet Nikki has gone. 

"Yeah, I'm tired" Nikki smiles slightly and raises her hand to her head. 
"You look pale," Jack says as he walks to her side. 

"Wouldn't you if you had just given birth" Nikki replies with a smirk. 
"Alright you, less of the sass" He smirks. 

Nikki laughs to herself and leans forward and grabs her bottle of water, "Sorry, I'm really hot" She replies. 

"I know you are" He flirts. 
She rolls her eyes and takes another sip of water, she then screws the lid back on the bottle. Nikki places the bottle back on the table and shifts a little as she isn't comfortable. 

"I love you Jack" Nikki smiles. 
"Why are you all soppy all of a sudden? Has the ice queen melted?" He chuckles. 

Nikki laughs and Jack then hands Scarlett back to Nikki. "I love you too though" Jack replies and kisses her. 
"Jack I really love you though, you know that right?" Nikki smiles shakily. 

"What is happening Nik? why are you telling me this... I bloody well know you love me" Jack speaks. 

She smiles slightly and looks up at him, "how about you take a few more photos then" She smiles trying to change the subject. 

Jack nods slowly and then gets his phone off the side again and takes a few more photos of Nikki and Scarlett together, After a while, Jack sits there quietly with Nikki lying against his chest and Scarlett lay in her arms. 

Nikki quietly sings to Scarlett as Jack rests his eyes. Soon Jack has fallen asleep next to Nikki and Nikki continues to sing to her daughter. Nikki looks up at Jack and kisses his cheek before resting against him again, "I love you Jack Hodgson" Nikki smiles as she closes her eyes and drifts off to sleep in Jack's arms. 

Around an hour later Jack wakes to the sound of Scarlett crying, He moves slightly and feels the weight of Nikki leaning against him still asleep. "Hey, Nik's she needs you" Jack smiles as he nudges her. 

She doesn't reply and Jack sits himself up properly, He is rather stiff from the angle he has slept in but he gets up off the bed and supports Nikki as he does so. "Nikki, come on wake up... I know you've been through hours of labour but Scarlett needs to be fed" Jack speaks as he shakes her shoulder gently. 

"Nikki?" Jack speaks as she seems to be unresponsive. 
Jack lifts Scarlett from her arms and places her down in the plastic cot. "Nikki?" Jack says loudly and shakes her shoulders. "Nikki, Nik. Come on can you hear me!" Jack says panicked slightly. 

He notices the blue tint to her lip and fingers and then feels for a pulse, "Shit!" 

Jack looks down at the floor as he slips slightly to see a pool of blood at his feet. Jack pulls back the blanket to see the white bed sheets completely red with Nikki's blood. "Shit! come on" Jack says as he presses the emergency buzzer. 

Doctors and nurses come rushing into the room and lie Nikki flat on the bed, They begin CPR and bring a defibrillator into the room along with monitors. Jack picks up Scarlett and kisses her head as he holds her close to his chest as he watches the Doctors and Nurse try to bring Nikki back. 

Thirty minutes later the doctor steps down from the bed and looks at his watch, "All agreed?" He speaks. 

"No, no! you can't... She's not gone, keep going!" Jack panics as he gets tearful and he clutches his daughter in her arms. 
"Time of death... 18:53" The doctor speaks and all the nurses move away from Nikki's body. 

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