3: I Bet

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Next day, Sunday afternoon.

    Abigail rushed to work she had two minutes to clock in before  the system marks her late. she dug through her fanny  pack hopping to find her ID badge on time.  she worked as a barista at a local Coffee shop, it was her part time job while she went to school. She has been working here since she was in high school and had no intent of leaving until she finished her bachelor's degree.  With seconds left she frantically swiped her badge through the machine. "That was close" Her co worker Amanda chimed handing her an apron. "Thanks Mandy, Girl you have no idea" Abby expressed as she put her things into her cubby. She grabbed a walkie talkie, clipped it to her belt  and headed to the floor.

    the place was packed with people. she swiftly put her apron on and began working. she noticed two guys in the back of the line who were regulars and she already knew what they wanted so she figured she'd get their order started to cut down on the line. Tanner was working the register while she and Amanda prepared  drinks and Kayla on food, they were the best afternoon crew when the foursome were lucky enough to all land the same shift service is pretty quick.  

" One Venti chai Latte, extra cream with a blueberry scone toped with lemon glaze. second half of that order is going to be a Tall Açai strawberry lemonade 3 pump liquid sugar and a coffee cake" Abby read the receipt as she handed the Two guys their order. "Appreciate it" Xavier stated. "My pleasure" Abby smiled.

Adonis  and Xavier  Made their way to a window seat. "So how was your night man" Xavier  asked mischievously . He already knew the shenanigans Adonis participated in. "It was great thanks to Tanerykah, the first girl was a dub" Adonis smirked as he reminisced  of Tanerykah playing with herself on FaceTime as he talked her through her orgasm. "You might as well date her, i mean you keep messing with her" Xavier recommended. "Nah man, besides sex I don't see myself with her. she a lil ratchet i want someone classy ." Adonis said taking a sip from his drink. He ordered  Xavier burst out laughing "Time out bro, Classy? My guy nothing about you is classy what makes you think you can pull someone classy? " Xavier  stated ."Watch out man, I can pull anybody I want" Adonis let his ego get bruised a little. 

"You see that girl over there, the one who gave out order?" Aaron said pointing at Abby.she wore black slacks, a white button up and a black apron with black sneakers Jacob and Aaron observed her as she wiped down tables, most people took their order to go so now the place wasn't too packed. Abby wore her knotless braids in a high ponytail she wore diamonds studs in the multiple holes in ears. Her baby hairs her neatly designed. she had on a pandora necklace. Her toffee colored skin was glowing, her bushy  brows had the perfect arch, she had a beauty mark right above her glossy plumped lips

"Yeah what about her" Adonis asked fixated on her. "That's the preachers kid, she's classy " Xavier  said smiling devilishly . "Whats your point" Adonis  asked with his eyebrows raised. "My point is, she's classy and you wouldn't have a chance with her. you're not built for classy females!" Xavier  exclaimed, he knew exactly where he wanted to take the conversation. "Man i don't know what you're talking about i can get her if i want to" Adonis said he felt insulted not once in his life has any females he sunk his claws into told him no. "You wanna bet on it" Adonis wondered what angle his friend was getting at."I bet you cant get her to let you hit, my girl goes to her Father's church and says she's a virgin waiting for marriage " Xavier explained   as they     continued watching Abby. "Cake" Adonis chuckled. He ain't never messed with a virgin before but he was down for the challenge . " $1,000 says you  can't" Xavier  said with his hand extended. "$1,000 says i do" Adonis accepted the challenge 

Abby was now sweeping when she noticed one of the men she served earlier approaching her. She how hand"did you find everything okay?" she asked in her best customer service voice. "Yeeahh, everything was just right. i just wanted to personally thank you" Jacob flashed his signature smile at her. "Oh, you're very welcome" Abby blushed. in her 21 years of life no guy has ever spoke to her unless they needed help with school work . "And i also wanted to tell you how beautiful you look" he eyed her up and down until their gaze were locked. Abby quickly broke eye contact she didn't know how to behave, he was definitely flirting. "Um thanks. i um i Thank you so much" she stuttered. "I have to get back to work now" She wanted to run away but her feet were still planted to the ground. "Alright beautiful but before you go promise you'll call me tonight" Jacob smiled flirtatiously as he wrote his number down on a napkin. "Hope to hear your voice tonight, bye beautiful" He winked at her and headed back to his table.

Later that night after dinner and a shower Abby stared at the napkin and contemplated on if she would actually call. She meditated on the idea of calling a boy just because. "Why does he want to talk to me? after all this time why the sudden interest?" Abby questioned herself. It didn't feel right nor did she think it was a good idea. she gently ripped up the napkin and disposed of it part of her was sad because she's never had male attention before and always wondered what it was like. She regretted her actions but it was too late.

she pulled out her phone and searched for him on Instagram, "Jacob Morrison" she mumbled as she typed the name into her Iphone. Seconds later there he was, God he was handsome and even more handsome in person. Abby spent the next thirty minutes lurking through his page being extra careful not to like anything. if that happened he would know she was lurking and she'd probably have to leave town and go live under a rock. The last thing she wanted him to think was that she was some creepy stalker.

Jacob had been waiting for Abby to call him for a little over an hour now. He was growing impatient. He decided to look her up on Instagram, "Abby Clarke"he typed in the search bar. Nothing. "Abigail Clarke" There were so many Abigail Clarke's he had no idea which one was her. After scrolling for a bit he came across a the username "HappyAbby". it was her, Jacob laughed "wow even her IG name is lame" He clicked on the page and started going through her photos, she didn't have nothing but two selfies up the rest were of bible quotes. Jacob rolled his eyes as he started scrolling back up he accidentally double tapped on her selfie. "Awww sh*t" he mumbled.

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