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Movie you'll watch with the member(s)

January: Enshou and Linma - SpongeBob SquarePants the movie

February: Enshou - Creed 2 (action)

March: Minghao - Everyday

April: Dianjia and Guanyi - Titanic

May: Jiakai and Minghao - Guardians of the galaxy

June: Jiakai and Limma - The hate you give

July: Guanyi and Junyi - Seven in Heaven (horror)

August: Yourself 😭 (they didn't have time to watch with you)

September: Guanyi - It

October: Junyi and Dianjia - Happy Death Day

November: Minghao and Enshou - The Lego movie

December: Junyi - Romeo and Juliet


Hope you enjoyed

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I ♥️ U

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