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Ok so, these kinds of information I've been keeping to myself for a long time because I know how it feels (mainly cuz I'm going through the same shit) but maybe you guys will finally stop pestering delirious into showing his face 😔🙄

Ok so, you know how I said delirious (Jonathan Smith) May be struggling with social anxiety right? Well, about that.

Delirious may also be struggling with some mental issues as well

(Btw, just so you all know so you don't freak out, none of this has been confirmed.)

Those mental issues lead into a theory.

Bipolar Disorder.

Sounds crazy huh? A kicked back clown having terrible mood swings?

Well I've noticed something.

If y'all are H2O Delirious fans, then at least some of you have seen his 'Getting Over It' video.

Do you guys remember how he was happy at first? How excited he was? But then it changed.

Delirious went from his normal, laughing, psychotic self, to an extremely angry, irritated, and upset version of himself. And that's what made me upset.

Jonathan may always laugh, but you never seem to know (some of you don't even care) that the laugh is fake.

For example. You know how tyler always picks on Delirious? Like literally, all the time.

Well, I don't think Jonathan is comfortable with it much anymore (usually only when he brings up certain things)

That one video (it was a video where the 'HOODINI' joke has been created) when Delirious was trying to help them find it, he said;

'It's in the middle where it kinda looks like a plus sign'

And the whole crew started laughing. Yes, Jon was laughing too. But not like his normal 'laugh'. It sounded like he forced it out.

It kinda sounded like a sob to be honest..

And then we get to this part

We all know Delirious has a bad stuttering issue (which is completely ok because I have a bad stuttering problem too, because of my anxiety).

But I think that this makes delirious upset. Every time Delirious messes up in a sentence or a word, he always gets picked on for it.

Maybe he's upset because the same thing might've happened to him during his school years? I'm not entirely sure. But it's pretty clear that delirious must've been bullied at least once in all his years of going to school.

And yes, I understand where this is going though.

Jonathan may have extremely bad depression. You can hear it in his voice when (you don't hear it all the time tho) the crew starts to pick on him.

Well anyways, that's all I got! I got more info that I'll post later!
Hi. I know it's supposed to be the end of the story but I need to get this out.

I'm so disappointed in the BBS crew at the moment. They're all supposed to stick together, but they all focus on picking on Delirious (and sometimes Nogla)

But what REALLY pisses me off is the fact that Evan didn't say anything. He laughed with them.

Evan. I am very disappointed in you. You should be sticking up for your friend. Not laughing with them. Not to mention, you pick on Delirious too

What kind of people are you?

Don't get me wrong. There are times when delirious doesn't seemed too bothered by it.

But calling him gay or a faggot isn't very nice to call ANYONE! I don't give a fuck how famous you are! You guys have no right to call delirious such names!

And who cares if he's gay! I sure as hell wouldn't care!

^^ill talk about that later^^

But still. You guys are his friends. You should be there for him. Not bringing him down in the dumps.

And this is exactly why I hate Wildcat because his sense of humor hurts some of the crew

(Please don't take offense if y'all actually like wildcat. I only want what's best for Jonathan..)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2019 ⏰

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