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It’s been 9 years now. There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t think about you. What you did to me, what you did to my family. You put us through hell. But I love you. God damn it why do I love you. I keep having dreams about you. It’s strange because you’re not actually in the dreams, I just keep dreaming about things you put me through. I look to the stars each night and wonder if you’re looking at them too. Unlikely I know but I can dream, can’t I?

I wake up to the sound of my little brother playing with his cars in his room. I turn onto my side to look at my phone to see what the time is. 5:49 am. 5:49am in the bloody morning! What was he thinking? I let a small smile creep onto my face before calling him into my room. He potters into my room and gets straight into bed with me like we do every morning and he snuggles him little body into mine and whispers into my ear, “Ove ou MiMi”. My brother, Joel, is only 2 and is still getting the hang on the English Language, so rather than being big sister Mia, I’m big sister MiMi. I don’t mind it really. I love my brother to pieces and I would change him for the world, even if he does get me up at 5:49am. The next thing I know I’m being woken up by the sound of the theme tune to ‘Phineas and Ferb’. A few months back Joel got onto my phone and changed my alarm tune and Phineas and Ferb is his favourite show. I must admit it is one of my guilty pleasures.

What only seems like a few minutes later I’m off out the door on my way to school. I don’t know why everyone always complains about Mondays, I always find them quite refreshing myself. Once I get to school I double check my timetable to make sure I’ve got all the right books. Maths, double Science, PE and History. Now I see why people dislike Mondays so much. I meet my best friend Kayla and we carry out our usual morning tradition, b***h about anything we forgot to tell each other on our phone call the night before. I met Kayla on our first day at Mountain View Academy, the ‘poshest’ school on Britain’s South Coast. We’ve been inseparable ever since.

Once the bell goes we walk along to maths at the slowest pace we can get away with. I dislike my maths teacher with a passion but she does teach me well as I’ve gone up several grades since being in her class. We get to class and take our seats but it isn’t long until the class is stirring again. Usually this only happens when we find out we have a supply teacher for the lesson, but today it’s something different. I glance up to see a new boy walking into the class with our year head Mrs Hunt. I can’t stop myself staring at him. Well neither can most of the girls in my class. He certainly was cute, but there was something else there for me. Something familiar about his face, the way he moves, even the way he spoke when he thanked Mrs Hunt.

As class ended I waited back to speak to Miss Evans about an old test score of mine, but after I leave the class room I bump straight into the new boy. I wanted to be angry at him for standing in the way but I couldn’t find any words. His eyes glaring into my own keep me mute before he walks away and doesn’t look back.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2014 ⏰

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